1 day to the Sept. 24 preliminary. Driving the day: The expected resignation of Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis. The news broke on Sunday, as mayoral candidates were out canvassing, attending GOTV rallies and fundraising. The candidates, over the... Read more
2 days to the Sept. 24 preliminary. Allston Brighton will be one of the places to catch candidates today, with a parade scheduled for the afternoon and the 10th annual Brian Honan 5K. State Rep. Byron Rushing, who endorsed Felix Arroyo last week, joins... Read more
3 days to the Sept. 24 preliminary.
ODDS & ENDS: US Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-South Boston) and heavyweight champ John Ruiz record robocalls for Rep. Marty Walsh, both calling him a "fighter"…..DA Dan Conley’s campaign has put up a video showing where... Read more
4 days to the Sept. 24 preliminary. The City Council’s economic development committee is holding a 12 p.m. hearing on the Suffolk Downs casino proposal and the plan for a Nov. 5 vote on the matter. Bill Walczak, whose opposition to a Boston casino is the... Read more
In a bid to swing undecided voters to her side, former state Rep. Charlotte Golar Richie rolled out the endorsement of state Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz, a Jamaica Plain Democrat, and Rep. Russell Holmes, a Mattapan Democrat. “I would be swayed if I knew that a... Read more
New poll results show 64 percent of likely Boston voters want a citywide referendum on whether to allow a casino at Suffolk Downs in East Boston, and voters deadlocked over allowing the city casino.
The Suffolk University/Boston Herald poll results were... Read more
On a hill in Jamaica Plain, behind a row of homes on Peter Parley Road that share a backyard, the mayoral hopefuls weaved their way through the crowd of voters at the Ward 11 Democratic Committee’s picnic.
Grinning, Suffolk District Attorney Dan Conley... Read more
5 days to the Sept. 24 preliminary. City Councillor At-Large Felix Arroyo gets the early bird award, with a schedule entry that puts him at the Freeport Bus Yard at 5:30 a.m. District 5 Councillor Rob Consalvo starts the day at his home in Hyde Park and... Read more
6 days to the Sept. 24 preliminary. Results from the Suffolk University/Herald poll are expected this morning at 9. Another poll, from MassINC, is expected to come out on Thursday morning. City Councillor At-Large Felix Arroyo and District 5 Councillor... Read more
A Boston City Council committee has scheduled a public hearing for Friday at noon on the request by the Suffolk Downs casino developer for a referendum vote on Nov. 5. There's disagreement in the city over whether the vote should be held in East Boston... Read more