Lower Mills

The Lower Mills Civic Association on Tuesday voted to urge city councillors to reject the firefighters' arbitration award. The arbitration awards 19.2 percent salary increase over four years, including a 2.5 percent increase in exchange for random drug... Read more
Only a few months old, Ledge, 2261 Dorchester Ave., is seeking to expand. The Boston Licensing Board is scheduled to vote tomorrow on a request from the restaurant to add 76 seats to its existing 140. The restaurant also wants to extend closing time on... Read more
As House lawmakers prepare to take up budget amendments that would force the city to keep open all 26 libraries, Boston Public Library officials are circulating a memo saying that could lead to more layoffs. One of the amendments reduces state support by... Read more
The City Council's budget-vetting committee is scheduled to take testimony on the Boston Public Library system's budget on June 3. The Ways and Means Committee hearing is set for 6 p.m. in the Iannella Chamber in City Hall. Boston Public Library trustees... Read more
It's enough to make any conflict-hungry reporter squeak with glee. As both the Reporter and the Globe noted today, the debate over whether to close four libraries, including the Lower Mills branch, should get even more interesting next week. That's when... Read more
House lawmakers are pushing to save four libraries slated for closure in the city's fiscal 2011 budget. In a bid to keep the libraries open, twelve House lawmakers who represent Boston filed amendments Friday to the House's version of the state budget... Read more
Boston Public Library trustees voted Friday to close four branches, including the one in Lower Mills. But City Councillors At-Large Felix Arroyo and Ayanna Pressley, and West Roxbury's Councillor John Tobin vowed to fight to keep all the branches open... Read more
In this week's Reporter: -- Why did state Sen. Jack Hart walk out of a meeting with state transportation officials? Answer in link. -- Anger over potential library branch closures continues to mount. The Boston Public Library trustees will vote on closure... Read more
Boston Public Library (BPL) trustees will vote Friday on a plan to shut the Dorchester Lower Mills and three other branches to cut a budget hole and concentrate on the "transformation" of the library system. BPL President Amy Ryan said that despite 4,000-... Read more
Neponset River in Lower Mills around 5 p.m., Sunday With the nor'easter dumping several inches of rain on the region, the level of the normally placid Neponset rose dramatically along its course on Sunday. Meanwhile, firefighters across Dorchester and... Read more


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