Maureen Feeney
Fireworks came at the tail end of a Thursday hearing on raising Boston’s meals and lodging taxes, as City Councillor Maureen Feeney angrily engaged in a back-and-forth with a frequent City Hall critic.
Shirley Kressel, one of several residents who... Read more
The Boston Civic Summit Neighborhood Exchange Team, an outgrowth of last year's Civic Summit hosted by City Councillor Maureen Feeney and convention center head James Rooney, is gathering basic information on neighborhood civic associations with a new... Read more
District 3 City Councillor Maureen Feeney's chief of staff, Renie Smith, who has earned a stellar reputation serving the neighborhood with the councillor for 11 years, is working her last day in City Hall today, at least for the time being. Smith, who... Read more
The patiently waiting Peabody Square and Dorchester Avenue improvement projects could be bumped to the front of the line with the help of President Obama's proposed nearly $1 trillion economic recovery package.
Mayor Tom Menino announced the formation of... Read more
New City Council President Michael Ross, citing the economy and a gag-order motion filed by prosecuting attorneys in Councillor Chuck Turner's bribery case, halted an council investigation into Turner's fitness to serve on Tuesday.
Federal investigators... Read more
Maureen Feeney
The plastic nametags on the concrete walls of City Hall's fifth floor are shuffling again, workers are pushing dollies full of files down the corridors and the walls of the President's office have already changed from hot pink to powder... Read more
Maureen and Larry Feeney
Larry and Maureen Feeney will be among the honorees at this Friday's 24th annual Caritas Carney Hospital Awards Dinner on at the Seaport Hotel in Boston. The Dorchester couple will be the recipients of the Andrew Carney... Read more
City Council president Maureen Feeney defended her reputation - and lashed out at the alleged corruption of Senator Dianne Wilkerson - in an interview with the Reporter this week. Feeney was among the several elected and appointed officials from the city... Read more
Many were from Dorchester. But they were also from Back Bay, Roslindale, Brighton and Mattapan. Most of the 450 attendees, many of them leaders in their communities, stayed at the unprecedented civic summit through the drizzly Saturday afternoon, trading... Read more
City Council President Maureen Feeney wants to be clear: when it came to Boston magazine ranking the 50 most powerful people in the city, she had nothing to do with coming in at No. 32.
"I did not nominate myself," she says with a laugh. She came in... Read more