
The following are two poems delivered by City Councillor John Tobin at the "Spotlight on the Candidates": A Haiku We've heard there's a list of "THE NAUGHTY" Whom the mayor considers too HAUGHTY. They must submit to correction By a brisk genuflection And... Read more
The Herald has video. "Thank you Riverside Theatre - not," Flaherty quips before he and Yoon start to croon to the tune of "Ebony and Ivory." "Flaherty, Deputy, from Fields Corner and Southie." Check it out.
Mayor Thomas Menino's poem, as delivered to the crowd at "Spotlight on the Candidates" at the Riverside Theatre: My name is Tom and I am from Hyde Park I love fighting for the people, working past dark Tonight I am here to present my case That I am the... Read more
Mayor Thomas Menino read a poem. City Councillor At-Large Stephen Murphy and District 5 Councillor Rob Consalvo provided a rendition of "Putting on the Ritz." And District 6 Councillor John Tobin, in a Hugh Hefner get-up, dealt some one-liners. At the... Read more
Several Dorchesterites - both prominent locals and electeds - are gathering together under the "Dot for Capuano" banner. Congressman Michael Capuano is one of four Democrats running to for the late Sen. Edward Kennedy's vacant seat. They include state Rep... Read more
Last time we checked, City Councillor At-Large Sam Yoon is still an elected official. But the organizers of the candidates' talent show tonight say he isn't a candidate for re-election, and therefore he cannot take the stage with fellow City Councillor At... Read more
Team Floon hits the campaign trail together today, with attendance scheduled for events in Jamaica Plain, the South End, and Back Bay. The two candidates and Mayor Thomas Menino will also attend what we understand is a talent show with municipal... Read more
Looks like Ayanna Pressley's supporters will have to hang onto the phrase "eight is great" for a few more weeks. Her position on the ballot in the Sept. 22 preliminary was No. 8. And after the random drawing today down at City Hall (which Pressley showed... Read more
Public records enthusiasts, rejoice? By next week we'll be able to see online the 5,018 emails that a top Menino aide deleted (and then deleted again), the Globe reports. Putting things online instead of printing it out on reams and reams of paper -- how... Read more
A brief round-up of links you might have missed. Feel free to send suggestions to gin.dumcius (at) gmail.com or mwdeehan (at) gmail.com. 1. Channel 5's Janet Wu reports: Mayoral candidate's father owns once-abandoned land. 2. New England Cable News has... Read more


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