
It has become a yearly rite of passage in this space to express great indignation whenever our beloved neighborhood gets passed over on some foolish “Best of Boston” list. This week, we’re tempted again to pound the table and flail away at our friends... Read more

One of the finest new amenities of the last decade in Dorchester is the Neponset Greenway, the 2.5 mile-trail that tracks the river along a corridor that was once used for a commercial railway. In the 1990s, state planners and open space advocates... Read more

The emerging promise of the Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center now taking shape along Dudley Street in Uphams Corner is a great and wonderful resource to that neighborhood.

When the Boston office of the Salvation Army won the competition... Read more

A July 4th disturbance that began at Carson Beach and spilled over into Savin Hill marred the Independence Day festivities for neighbors and has — with good reason— amplified calls for a police crackdown on “trouble-makers” who are suddenly flocking to... Read more

The 2010 census presents a window for city leaders to tinker with the way Boston’s neighborhoods are carved up for planning and political purposes. It is heartening to know that the trend-setters at the city’s influential planning agency— the Boston... Read more

There was a breakthrough this week in the effort to save four Boston Public Library branches, including the one in Lower Mills, that were slated for closure earlier this year. The battle, however, is far from over.

First, the library’s trustees... Read more

A universal ban on firearms is not only unconstitutional, but it is not going to solve the persistent scourge of gun violence on the streets of Dorchester, Mattapan, or any other American neighborhood. But taking common sense steps to curb the cascade... Read more

If Memorial Day is the unofficial start of the summer season for much of the nation, then how do we characterize Dorchester Day?

Truth is, Dot Day is many things to many people. For kids, it’s a particularly magical time when the usually off-... Read more

Tom Menino’s mission to shutter perfectly good neighborhood libraries took another unfortunate turn this week. The mayor’s office — in collaboration with his appointees at the Boston Public Library — orchestrated a farce of a meeting at Carney Hospital... Read more

Abridged comments of William M. Bulger at Mt Washington Bank community breakfast, May 11, 2010.

“The ancient Greeks gave us this system of government of ours. They worked very hard to give us a representative democracy, something that... Read more

News Item: “A video showing Seattle police officers stomping on a man’s head and body and using a racial epithet has prompted an internal investigation by authorities and disgust from the mayor.
One of the officers involved, a 15-year veteran,... Read more

Credit where credit is due.

Last week, on the street outside my home in Lower Mills, there appeared an indentation in the pavement. It’s been more than a decade since the street was repaved, and the heavy traffic has taken a toll on our... Read more

A large group of Bostonians of Irish heritage, chaired by Winnie Henry of Milton and Pat “Doc” Walsh of Dorchester, have gathered to raise funds to support relief efforts for Haitian children orphaned by the January 12 earthquake in Haiti.

... Read more

It’s time for Mayor Menino and his administration to stop their divisive and ill-conceived push to close public libraries —including the one in Dorchester Lower Mills. Menino should formally withdraw his library board’s recommendation to close the four... Read more
