September 8, 2010
Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz has distinguished herself as a first-term member of the Massachusetts State Senate. Her dedication to a progressive agenda that best represents the diverse Second Suffolk District has manifested itself in real results for her constituency. She has made good on her promise to champion causes like criminal record reform (CORI,) summer jobs for teens and foreclosure protections for tenants. She has been a dependable and often eloquent voice in the Senate on issues that directly impact her district— which includes parts of Dorchester and Mattapan. The Reporter strongly endorses her re-election next Tuesday in her run against a primary challenge from a Democratic opponent.
Chang-Diaz replaced Dianne Wilkerson, who was disgraced and forced to leave office after her arrest for public corruption in 2008. Despite her fall, Wilkerson earned respect for her policy positions and Chang-Diaz has continued that admirable track record on numerous issues. Chang-Diaz has also been unequivocal in her support for civil rights issues— including marriage equality, which, despite her opponents’ vague claims to the contrary, remains far from a settled matter in the state and national debate.
And she has also labored quietly to restore the public’s faith in good government— something that she was obliged to take on in light of Wilkerson’s outrageous behavior. Her office has personally addressed some 8,000 individual constituent matters over the last two years. It has been no easy task to juggle both of these imposing challenges, but Chang-Diaz has done so with great tact and sensitivity. Most of all, with the passage of complex reforms such as those contained in the CORI bill, she has proven that she can get things done.
Sonia Chang-Diaz has been responsive, visible, and effective as a state senator for all of the people of the Second Suffolk. Her re-election on Tuesday should be a priority for voters in that district.
– Ed Forry