Community Comment

Our community is facing tough challenges. We are living through the worst economic crisis in a generation.  At the same time, our neighborhoods have seen a resurgence of street violence. And as our families struggle to make ends meet, many of us are... Read more

Politics has been imbedded in me from a child. Growing up with my grandmother I was exposed to listening to political debates and helping with political gatherings. Upon arriving to this country I was very curious about the American political system... Read more

It took a 7.0 earthquake, one of the worst natural disasters in history, for the Obama Administration to grant Haitians Temporary Protected Status (TPS), which commentators long before said was merited due to four storms which devastated Haiti in 2008... Read more

The huddled masses of the People’s Chamber gathered last Thursday in the Omni Parker House Hotel, discussing reelection strategies and, to borrow a phrase, the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and sorrow, the people and the places and how... Read more

My name is  Divo Rodrigues Monteiro. I was born in Cape Verde Islands. First of all, there is a large Capeverdean community in Boston; and   I now  believe it is time for us to have our own voice at  State House. Secondly, I want to run because I want... Read more

In early February, when I was contemplating a run to be your state representative, Allstate Insurance ran an ad that asked the following question: “Years from now, how will we look back on today, as the Great Recession or the Recession that made us... Read more

Some months ago, the television producer of a house-hunting program contacted me.  She wanted to know if I could help pique the interest of prospects for the show.  Candidates would need to be searching for their first home and live in the greater... Read more

Voters going to the polls September 14 to fill the vacant Fifth Suffolk District House seat – and given the high stakes let’s hope there’s a big turnout – will cast one of their most important ballots ever.
The levels of crime, poverty, and... Read more

Minutes after Annetta Luc rose her right hand to take her oath as a United States citizen, she had a pen in hand and was using it to make sure her new country heard her voice.

With the help of an immigrant advocacy group, Luc registered to vote... Read more

OK, so I was wrong.

The acceptance of gay marriage in Massachusetts has been swift and seamless. The earth didn’t shake, the sky didn’t fall, and skeptics, like me, must admit there have been no adverse consequences.

A supporter of... Read more

My candidacy can be summed up in the life of a 16-year old named Leroy that I met many years ago.
Leroy was raised in the heart of our district in Dorchester’s Bowdoin/Geneva neighborhood – Boston’s ground zero of violence. Like many growing up,... Read more

After her eight-year-old son was shot to death, Lakeisha Gadson told police that three armed men wearing hooded sweatshirts had burst into her apartment and fired three rounds, hitting her little boy, Liquarry.

The next day, Gadson admitted she... Read more

When they hear that I’m from Dorchester, new acquaintances tell me they know they are in my neighborhood when they see the painted gas tank as they drive along the Southeast Expressway. This shallow impression of Dorchester feels nearly as much of an... Read more

At a time when the nation faces severe financial depression, bank failures, and high unemployment, it should come as something of a consolation to recall that over the course of some 350 years New England has demonstrated an uncanny ability to adapt... Read more

I broke Babe Ruth’s home run record before Roger Maris did.

It was one year earlier, in point of fact, in 1960 at the tennis courts at Dorchester Park. Dorchester Park occupied a space between Gallivan Boulevard, Adams Street, and Dorchester... Read more
