
A new, eight-unit condominium building with ground-level retail space is rising from what was formerly an unsightly, abandoned gas station lot near Codman Square. New property owners and Kristine and Tom Piatt of Piatt Associates say their vision for the... Read more
A Boston Street building that includes a longtime Dorchester restaurant is up for sale—and so is the popular eatery comes with it. 224 Boston Street, a restaurant Yelp reviewers have called a “hidden gem” with an “intimate nature,” was put on the market... Read more
Bright yellow-green flowers cut through a muted gray background on the wall of Lopez the Florist in Adams Village. The almost-fluorescent daffodils, reminiscent of the bouquets sold inside the building, crawl up the facade and brighten the otherwise... Read more
Shuttle buses to replace trains during off-peak times starting June 3 The Blue Hill Avenue station, now under construction, has been a long time coming. Mattapan residents held out for years waiting on the stop, the last of four federally-mandated... Read more
Developers are soliciting community feedback on a large project porposed for the MarineMax/Russo Marine site in Port Norfolk. Neighbors have been invited to a “workshop” on Saturday from 10-11 a.m. at the Boston Winery, 26 Ericsson St. The project calls... Read more
Hong Kong billionaire Gerald Chan has purchased another sizeable chunk of property in Dorchester, acquiring the Spire Printing Company site last Friday, according to city records. Gadoni LLC, an arm of Chan’s Morningside Group, closed on a $17 million... Read more
Glover’s Corner ‘visioning’ keys in on affordability How best to preserve neighborhood diversity and housing equity while also accommodating ongoing and much-needed growth consumed the conversation at a Glover’s Corner visioning session last week. The... Read more
The now-closed Phillips Old Colony House restaurant on Morrissey Boulevard is now officially on the market. The Reporter broke the news last January about the decision of longtime owners— the Phillips family— to end operations at the restaurant and... Read more
The future of one of the city’s most prominent redevelopment sites— the 16-acre Boston Globe property on Morrissey Boulevard—is again in limbo after the latest agreement to sell the newspaper plant and offices collapsed. The Globe reported the demise of... Read more
Two weeks of free riders on the Fairmount Line kicked off on Monday, a bid to boost ridership on the only commuter rail line to operate entirely within Boston. A group of elected officials and activists stood outside Morton Street station in Mattapan on... Read more


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