The University of Massachusetts Building Authority today issued a Request for Information (RFI) to seek a private developer for the historic Calf Pasture Pumping Station and an adjacent site on Columbia Point. The ten-acres are the latest section of the... Read more
Lower Mills-based bar and eatery The Bowery is transforming its outdoor patio space into a cozy option for the colder months with the addition of three yurts that will provide customers the chance to dine in warmth and comfort.
According to events... Read more
Dorchester Brewing Co. (DBCo) rang in the new year with an opening celebration of their brand-new expanded taproom, featuring a rooftop “Hopservatory” space with sweeping views of the Boston skyline.
The $4 million dollar build-out added roughly 8,000... Read more
After meeting, city official says impasse still in place
The proponents of the Neponset Wharf development plan in Port Norfolk returned to the community last week to present an amended plan that would fortify the shoreline and see three condominium... Read more
It has been nearly ten years since Vince Droser’s sudden death from a heart attack in his home on Barrington Road. The passing of the 55-year-old New York native stunned the Dorchester community, particularly the tight-knit Ashmont-Adams Village... Read more
At a community meeting hosted by the Boston Planning and Development agency (BPDA) last week, associates with the Herb Chambers Companies presented plans for a new four-story headquarters setup for their Honda dealership that opened earlier this year at... Read more
Hundreds of convenience stores plan to close midday on Wednesday as store owners rally to oppose a proposed ban on menthol cigarettes and to "demonstrate the critical role they play providing vital resources to communities," organizers said.
Members of... Read more
To the Editor: Imagine my surprise when I called the pharmacy department at the Walgreens located at 130 Bowdoin St. in Dorchester and heard the automated announcement after I had I placed my prescription refills: “This store will be closing on Nov. 5.... Read more
A high-profile commercial space along the Morrissey Boulevard corridor near Victory Road will be taken over by the Georgia-based national retailer Floor & Décor, a self-styled multi-channel American specialty realtor of hard surface flooring and... Read more
State Senator Nick Collins and Rep. David Biele filed legislation on Friday, Oct. 18 to advance an expansion of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) in South Boston.
The expansion is intended to consolidate the city’s major convention... Read more