Port Norfolk

A state-led commission focused on the re-construction of the Morrissey Boulevard corridor from South Boston to Neponset has issued its “draft” final report for public review. The 181-page document was posted on a state-run website last night. A public... Read more
Rise Together, one of two developers behind a project to bring 120 residential units, office space and a new marina to Dorchester's Port Norfolk last week sued the other developer, CPC Ericsson, for what it says is its refusal to pay a consulting firm... Read more
After meeting, city official says impasse still in place The proponents of the Neponset Wharf development plan in Port Norfolk returned to the community last week to present an amended plan that would fortify the shoreline and see three condominium... Read more
A city-led gathering of neighbors, ostensibly called to begin general discussions on planning for the vulnerable Port Norfolk peninsula with the threat of climate change on the horizon, focused mostly on worries sparked by a proposed development on the... Read more
Traffic, parking, density, height, and environmental concerns from neighbors and elected officials around a large waterfront project at the tip of Port Norfolk stalled the plan’s progress in August. As the developers work on a new pitch, city officials... Read more
Elected officials are calling for the would-be developers of a controversial project at Port Norfolk to start over with their plans after a series of public meetings and comment periods left proponents and neighbors locked in a standoff. City Point... Read more
It’s rare to find any project that generates near unanimity among civic leaders. But that’s the dynamic right now in the Port Norfolk section of Dorchester, where neighbors have spoken up forcefully against a redevelopment proposal that would create a new... Read more
Largely citing traffic and density concerns, Port Norfolk residents and neighbors reacted skeptically last week to the latest plans for a site on the peninsula along the Neponset River and Pine Neck Creek where City Point Capital is proposing a three-... Read more
The Neponset Wharf project planned for a prime area of the Port Norfolk waterfront will have several community meetings and closing comment periods in the next few weeks, as residents weigh in on the environmental and neighborhood impact of the sprawling... Read more
A dense new development comprising housing, a 25-room hotel, retail, parking, a swath of green space, and a refurbished marina could be coming to the MarineMax/Russo Marine site in Port Norfolk, local residents were told at a workshop last Saturday. RODE... Read more


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