
One of 5 responses to city’s call for health-career academy’s new home The city of Boston is reviewing five proposals — including one from a team that includes the current owner of the largely shuttered Carney Hospital campus in Dorchester— as it... Read more
Mayor Wu calls ‘opt-in’ rent control idea ‘fake’ Mayoral challenger Josh Kraft released new details about his positions on housing “access and affordability” this morning in the first in-depth policy disclosure of his still-emerging campaign. The plan... Read more
The Zoning Board of Appeal on Tuesday rejected a proposal for a burger trailer inside a tire shop at 538 Blue Hill Ave. at Seaver Street over concerns from neighbors about late-night gatherings and crime and concerns from board members about security... Read more
A host of family, friends, and long-time Boston Fire Department jakes gathered with Mayor Wu on June 28 at the corner of Hallet Davis and Milton streets adjacent to Florian Hall to dedicate a memorial square to BFD Lt. Stephen Minehan, who was killed in... Read more
A range of options for re-designing the Morrissey Boulevard corridor were presented at a public meeting of the Morrissey Boulevard Commission last Thursday night (May 2) at Boston College High School in front of a crowd of roughly 70 people, with another... Read more
Officials in charge of a city-led project aimed at protecting Dorchester and South Boston from flood waters associated with rising sea levels will host a pair of public meetings, including an in-person tour, over the next week. And while the two events... Read more
A quiet transformation is happening on some of Boston’s many vacant lots with the help of hardworking neighbors and the Boston Food Forest Coalition, a nonprofit community land trust that is working to turn empty patches of land into vibrant gardens,... Read more
In letter, board members say Wu administration ‘disregards’ their oversight role on projects In a communication addressed to Mayor Wu that is rife with potential consequences for development in Boston, including the controversial renovations proposal at... Read more
Recently the Healey administration’s Department of Public Health (DPH) announced it was hosting five invitation-only virtual meetings with hospitals, community health centers, and others in communities where Steward hospitals are located. The meetings,... Read more
The St. Brendan’s Church and School community held a well-attended $10K raffle fundraiser in Florian Hall last Friday night (March 8) – with entertainment and plenty of socializing to accompany the big raffle. Beyond just having a good time, the event was... Read more


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