Public Safety

To the Editor: The primary function of a firearm is to kill people. Killing people is what most guns are specifically designed to do. This fact begs the following questions: Since the 30,000 gun deaths per year in the United States are nearly all... Read more
Two men were ordered held in lieu of $500,000 bail at their arraignment Wednesday after police say they found nine weapons, 1,000 rounds of ammunition and 250 grams of cocaine in individually wrapped packages in a raid at their 12 Rill St. home, according... Read more
A severe strain of influenza is hitting Boston — and the region— hard, prompting renewed calls for uninfected people to get vaccinated as hospitals and health centers cope with bulging waiting rooms. The city of Boston has recorded ten times more flu... Read more
UMass Boston will test a new public address system on Friday morning (Jan. 11) at 11 a.m. The system— which will amplify pre-recorded messages for different types of emergencies using loudspeakers— is designed to reach the entire campus, but not go into... Read more
Mayor Thomas Menino on Friday batted back a reporter’s question about whether he’ll have the stamina to stand during his State of the City address planned for later this month. “Of course I’ll be able to stand. I’ve already tried. I’ve practiced it... Read more
The Boston Globe’s recent in-depth series that focused on Dorchester’s Bowdoin-Geneva neighborhood was, in most ways, outstanding. The package of stories and multi-media presentations on the newspaper’s website— titled “68 Blocks: Life, Death, Hope” was... Read more
Residents from one of Bowdoin-Geneva’s most well-known addresses— Hendry Street— gathered last Friday evening for a holiday party that was billed as a celebration, in part, to mark what neighbors say have been marked improvements in their quality of life... Read more
The Boston Police Department reports arresting a man they say got away mainly with bruises and cuts from a beating supplied by workers at the Welles Liquor Mart after they changed their minds about just handing him the money he demanded Thursday night.... Read more
The Mayor Menino's office issued a "Winter Weather Advisory" today, warning city residents to take steps to prepare for the season's first significant snowfall- now expected to hit between mid-day Saturday into Sunday. The city could see up to 6 inches of... Read more
Gov. Deval Patrick predicted movement in the state Legislature next session on stalled gun control legislation, drawing a distinction between weapons used for sport and hunting and those designed first and foremost for military use. During his monthly “... Read more


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