Conversations on the prospects for next year's city council race rarely fail to come to the question of gender equity. Only one female - Dorchester's own district three councillor Maureen Feeney - currently holds elected office in City Hall, though women... Read more
There were only two people standing on the traffic island in middle of Blue Hill Avenue with an Obama-Biden sign, but horns could be heard for several blocks around.
It was election day in Grove Hall.
Propping up the blue sign were the founder of the... Read more
Maureen and Larry Feeney
Larry and Maureen Feeney will be among the honorees at this Friday's 24th annual Caritas Carney Hospital Awards Dinner on at the Seaport Hotel in Boston. The Dorchester couple will be the recipients of the Andrew Carney... Read more
State Sen. Dianne Wilkerson, who was photographed by the FBI allegedly stuffing bribe money under her sweater, says she's not resigning immediately because she wants an orderly transition. Wilkerson made the statement despite a vote by the Massachusetts... Read more
It is inevitable that there will be a changing of the guard relative to representation for people of color at the State House. With the defeat of Dianne Wilkerson in the primary and her recent indictment, the communities of color could lose their most... Read more
At dinner tables, on the street and in church in Dorchester, discussions of state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson and what it means for black politics are running apace with those about the first African-American president this country has ever seen.
The elation... Read more
On September 22, less than a week after State Senator Dianne Wilkerson had lost the Democratic primary by 213 votes, dozens of supporters turned out for her at the Prince Hall Grand Lodge in Grove Hall.
They came, not to bury the senator, but to praise... Read more
The 2008 presidential race has consumed the attention of the nation and true-blue Boston for nearly a year now, even though Barack Obama has dominated the polls locally. But the Reporter's temperamental seismograph is already picking up tremors from the... Read more
The 2008 presidential race has consumed the attention of the nation and true-blue Boston for nearly a year now, even though Barack Obama has dominated the polls locally. But the Reporter's temperamental seismograph is already picking up tremors from the... Read more
Patrons at the Breezeway Bar and Grille on Blue Hill Ave. react to the news of Barack Obama's election on Tuesday night. Photo by Pete Stidman
His campaign went on for 21 months, the American people sat through over a year of primary and presidential... Read more