
Meet City Council At-Large candidate Ayanna Pressley’s new campaign director: James Chisholm, a top aide to U.S. Sen. John Kerry. According to one source close with the campaign, Pressley just wasn’t clicking with her (now former) campaign manager,... Read more
A campaign diet is one of those contradiction in terms. There may be times when you wake up at 10 in the morning, with a crumpled up Burger King receipt in one hand, a MBTA conductor's hat that is certainly not yours in the other, and little idea how you... Read more
Flattery got mayoral hopeful Kevin McCrea nowhere Monday night. Asked by NECN talk show host Jim Braude how he planned to win the preliminary election on Sept. 22, the South End businessman quipped, “I go on Jim Braude’s radio show, I go on your TV... Read more
City Councillor At-Large Michael Flaherty's mayoral campaign ratcheted up the rhetoric on Monday, ripping into Mayor Thomas Menino over his proposal to raise the city's meals and lodging taxes. Campaign manager Jon Romano sent a fundraising appeal to... Read more
When we here at Lit Drop mess up, we 'fess up. So here's a correction to the article on what went down at Tuesday night's forum in Mattapan: Councillor At-Large Yoon supports moving the school committee, whose members are appointed by the mayor, to a... Read more
After the incident in Mattapan earlier this week, Tom Menino and Sam Yoon are scheduled to be at the same event today, the kickoff of the Codman Square farmer's market in Dochester. Also of note today: Mike Flaherty opens a campaign HQ in Roslindale and... Read more
Campaign trail tensions erupted when top officials from Mayor Thomas Menino’s administration crashed a Tuesday night Mattapan forum hosted by mayoral hopeful and City Councillor At-Large Sam Yoon. During the 90-minute forum held at Foley Senior... Read more
Proposed increases in the city's meals and lodging taxes are on the docket for the City Council agenda on Wednesday. Both Councillors At-Large Michael Flaherty and Sam Yoon have criticized Mayor Thomas Menino for the proposal, and both councillors are... Read more
Boston magazine's Joe Keohane appears to have gotten his wish this year: a mayor's race. And a four-way mayor's race, at that. (In a June 2008 column for the magazine, he described himself as "inconsolable" after former Suffolk County DA Ralph Martin... Read more
Asked by the Lit Drop about a Sam Yoon for Mayor sign that got vandalized in Roslindale, Mayor Thomas Menino’s campaign issued a statement: “It’s unfortunate that signs get vandalized during a campaign, and we do not condone, allow or tolerate... Read more


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