Sen. Hart at McKeon Post meeting on UMass plans to build dorms, March 2003: His opposition to building student housing at UMass Boston was pivotal. Photo by Bill Forry
State Sen. Jack Hart’s plan to decamp for a law firm this week rocked the Boston... Read more
The Massachusetts Democratic Party's state committee meeting on Thursday night will draw outgoing U.S. Sen. John Kerry and two candidates vying for his seat. Other candidates seeking statewide office in the Bay State could also put in an appearance, at... Read more
Joshua Dawson, a top political aide to Treasurer Steven Grossman and chair of the Ward 5 Democratic Committee, is considering a run for outgoing state Rep. Marty Walz’s seat. Reached on the phone on Wednesday, Dawson said, "I'm strongly leaning that way... Read more
Sen. Jack HartState Sen. Jack Hart (D-South Boston) is stepping down from his seat this week and joining a law firm, sources tell the Reporter. Hart confirmed the news on Monday night, saying he will submit a letter of intent to resign on Tuesday, with... Read more
The special election to fill John Kerry’s seat in the U.S. Senate will be in late June, after most schools have let out for the summer and vacation season begins to heat up, Secretary of State William Galvin said on Monday. Gov. Deval Patrick plans to... Read more
Congressman Stephen Lynch said Friday that a “final decision” on a U.S. Senate run will come soon, despite multiple reports that cited sources saying the South Boston Democrat will jump into the race next week. U.S. Sen. John Kerry will likely be... Read more
Congressman Stephen Lynch is expected to make official next week what has been widely apparent: He's running in the Senate special election slated for later this year, though he told the Boston Herald Friday afternoon that he remains undecided.
WCVB's... Read more
Senator John Kerry made the following remarks this morning in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which met today to consider his nomination to be United States Secretary of State.
The full text of Chairman Kerry’s opening statement,... Read more
Andrea Cabral’s chief of external relations will take over as Suffolk County sheriff, a source tells the Reporter. With Cabral signing on as Gov. Deval Patrick’s public safety secretary, Steven Tompkins will succeed her.
The State House News Service... Read more
Mayor Thomas Menino says he still has an appetite for another four year term.
“No, my appetite is not less,” Menino told WBZ-TV’s Jon Keller in a sit-down at the city-owned Parkman House on Beacon Hill, where Menino is recuperating after lengthy hospital... Read more