Morrissey intersection: Bottleneck poses hazard for pedestrians, aggravation for motorists. Photo by Bill ForrySafety concerns about the heavily trafficked intersection of Morrissey and Bianculli boulevards near UMass Boston,The Boston Globe, and Boston... Read more
The House and Senate on Thursday rejected Gov. Deval Patrick’s amendment that would have given judges the discretion to grant habitual offenders parole, forcing the governor now to make a decision that will determine whether the bill becomes law or dies... Read more
To hear some advocates of the crime bill tell it, Gov. Deval Patrick is risking the legislation’s passage with his amendment.
“His actions to jeopardize the passage of the crime bill are both ill-timed and ill-advised by trying to amend a good and... Read more
In his deliberations over what to do with a sentencing reform bill on his desk, Gov. Deval Patrick apparently reached out to the state’s highest court for input on whether the Supreme Judicial Court’s review of capital cases might suffice for the judicial... Read more
A bill that would require temporary worker placement agencies to provide workers with a basic statement of benefits to protect against abuses sits before the Senate after the House passed the bill 123-28 on Wednesday.
Rep. Linda Dorcena Forry said the... Read more
Law enforcement officials who campaigned in 2008 against a ballot question to decriminalize possession of less than an ounce of marijuana have so far offered a more nuanced perspective on Question 3 on this year's ballot, which would legalize medical... Read more
Citing support from the Senate and Gov. Deval Patrick, more than a dozen House members rallied in front of the State House Wednesday, calling on the House to agree to a proposal that its leaders have derisively labeled an untenable tax on consumers.... Read more
Video by Mike Deehan, State House News Service.
Gov. Deval Patrick spoke with reporters on Tuesday, who asked what he plans to do with the sentencing/habitual offender bill on his desk: "I've said before, I think it's a good bill. It's not a great bill.... Read more
The Senate on Thursday voted 31-7 to approve a bill broadening crime-fighting tools, ensuring that certain repeat violent offenders serve their full sentences, and easing prison overcrowding by adjusting sentencing laws for drug offenders.
Shortly after... Read more
State Rep. Carlos Henriquez, fighting assault and criminal charges leveled by a 23-year-old student, plans to hold a community meeting on Aug. 7.
The meeting is scheduled to start at 6 p.m. at the Dorchester House, located at 1353 Dorchester Ave.,... Read more