Columbia Point

As the fall semester nears, a pair of UMass Boston construction projects principally aimed at relocating utility infrastructure on Columbia Point remain in progress this month. Part of the work— along the perimeter road on the eastern side of the campus... Read more
Herb Chambers told the Columbia Savin Hill Civic Association planning board on Tuesday that his plans for a Land Rover and Jaguar dealership on a key Morrissey Boulevard parcel are independent of anything that will happen on the next-door Boston Globe... Read more
(Updated Wed., July 20)— As news on a new agreement to sell the 16-acre Boston Globe property on Morrissey Boulevard continues to break, car magnate Herb Chambers – who owns an abutting property that could prove to be a lynchpin in still-emerging... Read more
Columbia Point is once again the center of stadium-sized speculation this week as talks between the New England Revolution and UMass continue to weigh the merits of building a professional soccer venue at the former Bayside Expo Center site. Sources... Read more
Kosciuszko Circle: Even on a 'good' day, the rotary at the northern end of Morrissey Boulevard is a challenge for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. Griffin Connolly photoThe long-sought project to reconstruct Morrissey Boulevard remains under way, if... Read more
Community members this week echoed their elected officials’ concerns about a possible siting of a soccer stadium on Columbia Point this week. Editorial: It's not just the traffic. Bayside impasse makes soccer stadium a long shot Michael McColgan, who... Read more
Word emerged this week that UMass officials are talking with the Kraft family — owners of the Patriots and the New England Revolution soccer franchise — about siting a 20,000-seat soccer stadium on what used to be the Bayside Expo Center. UMass officials... Read more
University of Massachusetts officials have had preliminary conversations with the Kraft family and the New England Revolution about the possibility of building a soccer stadium on prime waterfront land owned by the university on the grounds of the old... Read more
An American Revolution-era flag was unveiled on Monday in the Castle Island exhibit at the Commonwealth Museum on Columbia Point. It will be on temporary display in Dorchester until mid-August. The 13-star banner, which many experts believe is... Read more


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