Michael Flaherty is going to the Gay Games tonight. Tom Menino's hanging out with John Henry and a bookmobile. And Sam Yoon continues his pursuit of WFNX competition perfection.
11:00 AM ReadBoston Storymobile Event... Read more
Everyone's partying at the zoo to celebrate community watch programs, but only Sam Yoon is headed to Beacon Hill bar Red Hat after. Then it looks like he's going back to the zoo for Gospel. Mike Flaherty is holding a blogger lunch get-together tomorrow,... Read more
Starting tonight with Kevin McCrea, New England Cable News is hosting each of the four mayoral candidates for a one-on-one interview with Broadside host Jim Braude. Mike Flaherty takes the stage tomorrow, Sam Yoon on Wednesday and Mayor Tom Menino is on... Read more
The Herald's Richard Weir jumps in on the growing dirtiness of this mayoral election.
"...an angry phone call to Flaherty from a City Hall official apparently got quick action. Jay Walsh, Menino’s director of neighborhood services, told the Herald he... Read more
Contributed by Jackie Hai:
WBZ interviewed City Councilor Michael Flaherty recently (thanks for the non-existent date-stamp, 'BZ!) about the local option meals and hotels tax proposed by Mayor Thomas Menino on July 22. The increase would hike taxes on... Read more
After the incident in Mattapan earlier this week, Tom Menino and Sam Yoon are scheduled to be at the same event today, the kickoff of the Codman Square farmer's market in Dochester. Also of note today: Mike Flaherty opens a campaign HQ in Roslindale and... Read more
Contributed by Jackie Hai:
The Phoenix blog has the story: The Boston Elections Department raised a minor kerfuffle in the Flaherty camp by deeming St. Matthew the Redeemer Church in South Boston -- smack in the middle of Flaherty country -- no longer a... Read more
The Allston-Brighton TAB newspaper takes a look at the 5-man (Feegbeh '09!) race for mayor. Aside from the dateline, at no point do the words "Allston" or "Brighton" appear in the piece, so don't expect much of a local angle. My heart's pounding to know... Read more
The Globe dedicates some Sunday edition space to looking at the constituents Sam Yoon and Michael Flaherty are courting in order to survive looming preliminary election.
"With fewer than 10 weeks until the field-narrowing Sept. 22 preliminary election,... Read more
Lit Drop co-conspirator Gin Dumcius has this cycle's first hard look at the minority voting block in Boston in this week's Dorchester Reporter:
"But the question remains... Will Tom Menino continue to have a virtual lock on the votes of the black and... Read more