
Any first encounter between two residents of Dorchester is as likely to begin with, “What’s your parish?” as it is with “What street do you live on.” While the neighborhood’s much-celebrated patchwork of Catholic parishes has yielded prominence to include... Read more
An event on Wednesday afternoon at Mattapan's Mildred Avenue Community Center will help prospective college students connect with financial aid opportunities. The event, sponsored by the Massachusetts Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (... Read more
Elizabeth Seton Academy will host its annual Autumn Auction and Reunion on Sun., Nov. 7 from 12 to 4 p.m. at Florian Hall in Dorchester. Some of the more popular items are the gift certificates for restaurants, theme parks, historic sites, museums, and... Read more
Superintendent Carol Johnson is delaying a vote on plans to close schools, giving parents opposed to the closures a month to regroup. Dorchester schools on the chopping block include Roger Clap Elementary and the East Zone Early Learning Center. School... Read more
To the Editor: I am a parent at the Lee Academy Pilot School on Talbot Ave., one of several small schools targeted by the BPS superintendent’s “Redesign and Reinvest” proposal for next school year. Because the Lee Academy shares a building with the Joseph... Read more
Mattahunt School and Community Center: City closed center last summer and a proposed partnership with Wheelock College has yet to begin. (Editor's note: This article was updated online on Friday, Oct. 23 to reflect comments from Boys and Girls Club of... Read more
As school officials weigh plans to close six schools, parents of children at Lee Academy Pilot School, due to merge with the elementary school they share a building with, pleaded for more time to up flagging test scores. “Many of us, we could have fled,”... Read more
Children of the Quake: Sherline Gustave, 18, survived Haiti’s Jan. 12 earthquake and joined family to live in Boston in February. She is one of many Haitian nationals now learning English through a special Boston Public School program. She is pictured... Read more
CLASSICAL TOUCH – Cello students Kevin Joseph, left, and Omar Nova improvise with resident musician Ashleigh Gordon as guest musician Adam Eccleston looks on during a performance party held at the Chittick School on June 10. The concert featured students... Read more
The former St. Kevin parish campus on Columbia Rd.The former St. Kevin’s Parish property in Uphams Corner and two parcels of the St. Peter’s Parish campus on Meetinghouse Hill are going to be converted into affordable housing for Boston families, with... Read more


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