
Since its opening in October 2010, Yury and Sharon Shenkar’s home music studio has evolved into the five-room music school in the Lower Mills village of Dorchester that they had dreamed of for several years.

The ... Read more.

The Boston Public Schools’ system is receiving a $4 million infusion from the New York-based Wallace Foundation for arts-focused education. The grant adds to $4 million provided by local philanthropists and public money ... Read more.

Neighbors at a home in Port Norfolk returned home at mid-day on Tuesday (Feb. 7) to find that someone had broken into their home, stealing laptops, construction equipment and a safe.

Boston Police were ... Read more.

As people make the shift to reduce energy use through green efforts, preservation groups find it difficult to maintain historic buildings with these new changes. For the Pierce House on Oakton Avenue, Historic New England ... Read more.

A Boston cop is being hailed as a hero after he caught a distraught woman as she fell from the roof of a house in Dorchester on Wednesday morning. Officer Robert Robichaud was one of several B-3 police officers who were ... Read more.

Salad days may be ahead for the Boston Globe. A greenhouse aimed at providing 954 pounds of greens to staffers would be built on the Globe’s concrete roof under a plan presented to the newspaper’s ... Read more.

101 Maxwell St.

A short circuit in a second-floor bedroom caused a two-alarm fire Saturday morning at 101 Maxwell St., the Boston Fire Department reports.

No residents were injured in the fire, reported around 9:40 a.m., but one ... Read more.

Jimmy Ammons, 50, was arraigned today in Dorchester District Court on charges he plunged a knife into a woman in his apartment at 884 Cummins Highway yesterday morning.

The woman, 31, is recovering today at Boston ... Read more.

STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, FEB. 2, 2012……Proposals approved in the House and Senate that would eliminate parole for three-time violent offenders would likely affect just a handful of offenders per year, according to a key House ... Read more.

With a potential casino in East Boston and the pit in the middle of Downtown Crossing as backdrops, tensions are flaring between the Menino administration and City Council President Stephen Murphy.

Some of that ... Read more.

On a January night four years ago, Mayor Thomas Menino took to the stage of the Strand Theatre in Uphams Corner and pledged to revamp the school assignment process, citing the tens of millions of dollars the city was ... Read more.

While route and policy improvements have helped Boston Public School administrators tackle the problem of chronically late school buses that plagued the first month of the school year, drivers say some routing problems ... Read more.

The defense attorneys at Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, PC, earned their keep this week. While he joined an ever-lengthening list of high-profile criminals from Boston, Arthur Winn, a top developer with ... Read more.

Decked out in snorkels, fins, and scuba gear, more than 150 activists took to the streets of Boston’s financial district on Monday to call attention to “underwater” mortgages which they say are the root cause of the ... Read more.

A resounding “No!” was the word of the night on Tuesday evening in Mattapan. The word rang from every corner of the auditorium at Mildred Ave Community Center in Mattapan on Tuesday evening, scene of the latest public ... Read more.

Carney Hospital has partnered with Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 1199 United Healthcare Workers East to form a new joint labor-management initiative. The collaboration launched a campaign to encourage ... Read more.

Kevin Hagan White was a man of many personas – ebullient, moody, haughty, energetic, fretful, intellectual, daring, to name a few ascribed to him during his often-tumultuous mayoral occupancy of Boston City Hall from 1968 ... Read more.

City Hall’s plan to combine Dorchester’s two zoning districts into one revamped district is entering its final phases.

The proposal would do away with a Dorchester Ave.-specific region and integrate the ... Read more.

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