
Mayor-elect Marty Walsh has unveiled the beginnings of a transition team that includes three of his electoral rivals, one-time state Rep. Charlotte Golar Richie, who finished third in the Sept. 24 preliminary; City ... Read more.

This weekend is your last chance to catch a quartet of actors from Dorchester who form part of the talented cast of “Splendor,” just ending its world premiere run at the Boston Center for the Arts, Plaza Theatre.

... Read more.

The confetti had barely left the cannon on election night by the time speculation was underway about the next race.

The elevation of Dorchester’s Marty Walsh to the mayor’s seat in City Hall means there will be a ... Read more.

If sea level rise projections become reality and high tides a century from now resemble what today are major floods, the Aquarium Blue Line Station would likely be underwater while across the harbor the Spaulding ... Read more.

When it comes to beer, wine and liquor licenses, the Legislature is being asked to step aside and relinquish some control.

Lawmakers on Tuesday heard from craft beer brewers who want changes to a law they say " ... Read more.

Since it opened in 1911 the Strand Theatre has hosted performances by prestigious musical groups from the big bands of Glenn Miller and Count Basie to a touring orchestra from Vienna. But this weekend the former movie ... Read more.

State transportation officials plan to replace the Clayton Street bridge in one fell swoop this Veterans Day weekend, shutting down Red Line service between Ashmont Station and JFK/UMass Station on Friday at 9 p.m. and ... Read more.

Fresh off a 3.5-point victory for mayor of Boston, Rep. Martin Walsh addressed reporters Wednesday, saying he would announce appointments to his transition team as early as Friday and had received congratulations and ... Read more.

Marty Walsh’s phone was ringing off the hook Tuesday night with congratulatory calls pouring in from Minneapolis to the White House. The only problem was the target of the calls wasn’t that Marty Walsh.

State Rep. ... Read more.

Polls opened at 7 a.m. in the race to replace Mayor Thomas Menino, who opted against attempting a sixth campaign for the top job in City Hall. The two finalists, Dorchester state Rep. Marty Walsh and City Councillor At- ... Read more.

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