
There’s an effort afoot in Fields Corner that promises to improve public safety and quality of life in that part of Dorchester. And it could very well be a model for similar efforts elsewhere in our neighborhoods.

Led by two exisiting non-profit... Read more

“We need Congress to act on a comprehensive approach that finally deals with the 11 million undocumented immigrants who are in this country right now.

“The good news is that – for the first time in many years – Republicans and Democrats seem... Read more

Andrea Cabral has been an outstanding Suffolk County Sheriff. The team that she built around her is one that promises to continue to impress now that she has moved on to a new role as Secretary of Public Safety for the Commonwealth.

This week,... Read more

One of the big unresolved news stories of the last year has been the Neponset Greenway and the state’s so-far unsuccessful efforts to get funding to extend the multi-use trail into Mattapan and to make enhancements along Dorchester Bay. Last year saw... Read more

The Boston Globe’s recent in-depth series that focused on Dorchester’s Bowdoin-Geneva neighborhood was, in most ways, outstanding. The package of stories and multi-media presentations on the newspaper’s website— titled... Read more

What are the responsibilities of a home mortgage lender to the community where it does business?
That is the fundamental question behind the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA,) a 35-year-old law designed to promote home ownership among moderate... Read more

Elizabeth Warren ran an awesome, grassroots campaign — particularly in Dorchester, where she won all but two precincts against a still-popular (in many quarters) incumbent, Scott Brown.

Many people can, and will, get credit locally, led by... Read more
