
This week’s latest assault on the senses emerges from— where else?— the nation’s capital, this time in the form of Attorney General Jeff “Beauregard” Sessions. The nation’s top law enforcement officer on Monday warned that the US Department of Justice... Read more

Dorchester’s John F. Kennedy Presidential Library hosted a preview screening of the new American Experience series, The Great War, on Tuesday evening. The... Read more

On the campaign stump and now in his seat of power, Donald Trump’s blathering about being “great” for American cities has never been anything other than empty sloganeering. His first budget proposal, a $1.1 trillion “blueprint” unveiled last week, is... Read more

The Mattapan trolley was taken off the line on Tuesday as a major snowstorm hit the region. Buses were called in to replace the small fleet of Presidential Conference cars that typically run between Mattapan and Ashmont. The T announced the move on... Read more

Dorchester Day is considered a high holiday in these parts — and for good reason. The first Sunday in June is the largest public celebration of Boston’s biggest and most diverse neighborhood and that day’s parade is an awesome party.

But the... Read more

Dorchester is booming in ways unseen since our once sleepy agricultural hamlet was transformed into a teeming streetcar suburb before the turn of the 20th century. The growth is at once exhilarating and troublesome and that tension is likely to be a... Read more

It’s been clear for a while now that our governor does not care much for the administration that is still taking shape in Washington D.C. this week. Charlie Baker did not cast a ballot in the presidential race and over the last year he was at least... Read more

Chris Harding, one of the Dorchester Reporter’s most prolific and reliable columnists, died just before Christmas. His loss is felt most dearly, of course, by his... Read more

The Obamas will soon move out of the White House, and I am saddened by that reality. It’s not just that the president will leave the post with much unfinished business, including an array of policy decisions that are likely to be changed or reversed... Read more

A three-year project aimed at reducing crime by creating opportunities for people in the Bowdoin-Geneva community will begin in the new year. The Boston Public Health Commission announced that it will use a $1 million grant from the federal government... Read more
