
The Dorchester version of the “Big Dig” goes on in Lower Mills this week as contractors for the MWRA continue the complicated job of replacing a main water conduit underneath the streets in that village
The project has entered its third month,... Read more

Mayor Thomas Menino paid a visit to Dorchester’s Jeremiah E. Burke School last Thursday to highlight a promising new partnership between the Boston Scholar Athlete (BSA) program and the Princeton Review that will begin this fall.

Under the plan... Read more

There’s a heightened sense of anticipation this week over an emerging state plan to expand and improve the Neponset Greenway, the five-mile trail along our waterfront that has been a huge success since its... Read more

United States Postal Service (USPS) officials this week revealed a plan to close thousands of post offices nationwide, including two local offices, in Uphams Corner and Grove Hall. The plan comes as the USPS develops conditional plans to scale back... Read more

The long process of mapping out a “missing link” on the Neponset Greenway between Mattapan Square and Lower Mills has been frustrating at times. There are still some serious hurdles to clear before actual work can begin on the riverside trail that is... Read more

The non-profit Caritas Communities Inc, has proposed the complete renovation of the currently vacant St. Peter’s Convent into 32 self-contained rental studio units.

“As many of us know it is nearly impossible for people working in the service... Read more

The City of Boston’s new strategy of targeting so-called “problem properties” in our neighborhoods is finally taking real shape this week. A task force organized... Read more

Monday’s shooting of a four-year-old boy at Franklin Field’s Harambee Park was an assault on all of our children, no matter where we live or what park we frequent with our families. If this sort of atrocity can take place anywhere in our city, we are... Read more

The episodic unraveling of the full story about John J. O’Brien’s 12-year stewardship of the state’s Probation Department continues to leave citizens in the dark as to the extent of any one individual’s culpability in the mismanagement of the agency... Read more

The news this week that the MBTA has come out against a plan to route the next phase of the Neponset Greenway though its property in Mattapan Square is a deep disappointment for proponents of the Greenway and a potentially huge setback in the decades-... Read more

The news this week that the MBTA has come out against a plan to route the next phase of the Neponset Greenway though its property in Mattapan Square is a deep... Read more

“The town is populous, tho’ not large, the streets broad, but the buildings old, and low; however, there is good company and a good deal of it; and a man that coveted a retreat in this world might as agreeably spend his time, and as well in Dorchester... Read more
