Community Comment

No, Mitt Romney is not claiming Irish heritage to pander for Irish-American votes here or elsewhere. He’s also not claiming publicly his investments in Ireland. No surprise there. After all, as Ann Romney bluntly told ABC’s Robin Roberts: “We’ve... Read more

To the Editor:

Imagine being diagnosed with a disease that would likely take your life in a year or less. Unfortunately, this is the reality for those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer as 74 percent of patients die within one year of diagnosis... Read more

Getting off the bus after a long day at school, I head down my street. It isn’t very long, the houses aren’t extravagant, and some have similar structures; but each is infused with its own personality. My iPod’s in too loud, despite the warnings about... Read more

To the Editor:

Last week Harvard baseball coach Joe Walsh, a fellow OFD (“Originally from Dorchester”), was called up to the Big Club. With Joe’s passing, the college baseball world lost a great coach and the world in general lost a great guy... Read more

To the Editor:

In an editorial in the Metrowest Daily News, Scott Brown wrote that the Affordable Care Act is bad for Massachusetts. He’s wrong. There are many families in Massachusetts and across the country that can’t afford to have... Read more

By Rebecca Haag

If you don’t know your HIV status, you should.

Today, it’s easier than ever in Massachusetts to learn your status through your doctor thanks to a change in the state’s HIV testing law that goes into effect on July 26.... Read more

The corrupting influence of unlimited amounts of money from undisclosed sources is undermining our democracy. The Supreme Court in its Citizens United decision determined that corporations were persons and any limitations on corporate funding of... Read more

To the Editor:

I am troubled by news about the H. 137 recently covered in the Dorchester Reporter (“Single-sex schools bill on move”). This bill would permit single-sex public schools in Massachusetts.

Although single-sex schools are... Read more

To the Editor:

For thousands of Dorchester and Mattapan residents who work in Brookline, Newton, West Roxbury, Jamaica Plain, the Fenway, and the Longwood Medical Area, the daily commute is going to become significantly longer and more... Read more

Backers of a ballot question allowing terminally ill patients to request and self-administer life-ending medications say they have gathered enough valid signatures to put a binding question before voters in November, and are now bracing themselves for... Read more

As of this month we have been married 50 years. I don’t view it as a great achievement; all you have to do is stay married and live long enough. It was June 16, 1962, just before the sexual revolution. Probably just as well, otherwise I may have been... Read more
