Community Comment

Democracy has failed. Despite all the promise it demonstrated early on, like all other forms of governance it ultimately relies on flawed human beings to set aside self interest and act for the common good.

It seemed to work for a while, but... Read more

Changing Boston’s School Committee back from appointed to elected is a dangerous idea. Proponents forget how the old elected school committee... Read more

Words are sometimes used to inflate, demean, soften, distort, or distract us from reality. In our celebrity culture, what we say or do is often defined by those who have an interest in either protecting or promoting themselves.

Take, for example... Read more

We write to thank our good friend, Mr. Ed Forry, for last week’s editorial discussing our upcoming change in assignments as well as the ongoing implementation of the archdiocesan-wide “Disciples in Mission” initiative. We are grateful not only to Ed... Read more

To the Editor:

Since its inception, the Dorchester Pop Warner Inc. has had a proud tradition of keeping safety and good health a top priority and tradition for all its players. Coaching staff of the Dorchester Eagles have noticed and studied... Read more

As a former Massachusetts State Police detective and now a defense attorney of 34 years, I have seen the ruin that addiction to drugs and alcohol causes in the lives of many of those who end up ensnared in the criminal justice system. And the price is... Read more

Suffolk County District Attorney Dan Conley played it beautifully last week in breaking the news that Boston police were on the verge of establishing a DNA link between Albert DeSalvo, known as the Boston Strangler, and Mary Sullivan, a 19-year-old who... Read more

The young woman at the side of the pool at the jam-packed July 4th barbecue was quick with her response when she overheard a few guys talking about the mid-holiday announcement that the Boston Bruins had traded a much touted 21-year-old named Tyler... Read more

Last week in my neighborhood, another young man was shot in a drive-by shooting. He was lucky to survive. Too many don’t.

Last month, I celebrated with my Hendry Street neighbors who have worked so very hard with the police and the mayor to... Read more

President Obama’s announcement this week of several federal climate change initiatives will reduce greenhouse gas emissions nationwide and help prepare the country for the impacts of climate change.

As a coastal city, Boston is especially... Read more

The 19th-century carriage house built by the Clapp family, one of the original settlers of Dorchester in 1630, is the site of the centerpiece event at this year’s Dorchester Descendants Celebration, this Friday and Saturday. The Dorchester Historical... Read more
