Motorists beware: Casey Overpass will be closed for weekends in October

The Casey Overpass, which carries Route 203/Arborway over Washington and New Washington streets in Forest Hills, will be closed next weekend— Saturday, Oct. 5, and Sunday, Oct. 6, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.— as work crews perform what MassDOT calls "emergency repairs to the driving surface of the road to ensure the bridge can remain open during snow and ice events."

"MassDOT anticipates needing to close the bridge for the same duration for up to three additional weekends to complete the work. This work is weather dependent and must be done during dry weather in order for the asphalt to properly set."

The jackhammering work will be noisy, the state office warned. The bridge- built in 1951- is scheduled to be taken down in the spring.

During the closures, the following detour will be in place:

For vehicles traveling in the southbound direction (toward the Shattuck Hospital): exit the Arborway at the offramp before the bridge; turn left and then right on to New Washington Street; turn right on Washington Street and left on to the Arborway Surface Road to Shea Circle/Forest Hills Rotary.


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