March 2, 2012
Heavily armored police burst into a house at 14 Leston Rd. shortly before 5 a.m. Thursday as part of an ongoing investigation into crack dealing in the neighborhood.
The Boston Police Department reports members of the SWAT and drug control units surrounded the house and used a bullhorn to demand several times that Van Hodge, 46, come out. When he didn't, police say, the officers, who had a search warrant for the house, busted down a basement door and went in.
"Officers observed and secured the suspect of the investigation and read him his Miranda Rights," police said in a statement.
Hodge was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possesion of ammunition, possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number, improper storage of a firearm, possession of cocaine and possession of less than an ounce of marijuana.
Police say they found a Llama .22-caliber long rifle firearm with an obliterated serial number, a magazine with six live rounds, a gun grip, a marijuana cigarette, an eyeglass case with more than half a suboxone pill inside and a plastic bag and a folded piece of cardboard showing cocaine residue. Also seized: a blue cigarette lighter and a box of plastic bags.