Mayor Martin Walsh
While maintaining his claim that public money would not be spent on Olympic venues, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh on Thursday opened the door to foregoing tax dollars to spur development and help the games.
"Certainly going to look at tax credits and... Read more
In an emergency meeting convened to address the latest flare-up of violence in Bowdoin Geneva, the biggest thing attendees could agree on was that this was a long-time coming.
“We're here to have a conversation we should have had 20 years ago" Paulo De... Read more
Read this week's edition of The Relay here.
For three months now, it’s the one question that has vexed local observers— including those of us at The Reporter— more than any other: How much will it cost state taxpayers to fix local roads and MBTA stations (such as JFK-UMass station and Kosciuszko... Read more
Seeking to make good on a campaign theme, Treasurer Deborah Goldberg on Tuesday plans to detail the creation of a new committee to help her develop a state-run website and other tools for government and private business to achieve wage equality.
Boston... Read more
The Games are on for Mayor Martin Walsh’s political team. His “super volunteers” are being prepared to move onto the field under the Boston 2024 banner to engage in an extended grassroots campaign to promote a positive public conversation about the bid to... Read more
Mayor Marty Walsh is California-bound as he and backers of Boston’s Olympic bid officially make their case to the US Olympic Committee on Tuesday, Walsh’s office confirmed today.
“The mayor will be traveling to California to participate in a meeting with... Read more
City Councillor Tito Jackson has not ruled out a potential override effort from the City Council after Mayor Martin Walsh nixed Jackson’s proposed Commission on Black and Latino Men and Boys on Monday.
“Any veto override is something that the council has... Read more