A Boston development firm has begun working on a “conceptual” plan to acquire and re-develop several tracts of land along Boston Street adjacent to the South Bay Mall, according to civic activists who discussed the emerging plan at the monthly meeting of... Read more
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, visiting Boston with Denver business leaders, told Gov. Deval Patrick on Thursday that people all over the country talk about him as “a likely presidential candidate.”
At an event at the Intercontinental Hotel on the... Read more
Fire at Gallivan Blvd. McDonald'sA gas-fueled kitchen fire at the McDonald’s restaurant on Gallivan Boulevard injured one worker and caused heavy damage inside the building this morning. The fire began shortly before 7 a.m. as workers were trying to... Read more
Traffic mess: Cars and trucks were stacked up at 2:15 on Tuesday on Dorchester Ave. southbound near Glover's Corner.City Hall is seeking ways to remedy the traffic troubles plaguing the intersection at Dorchester Avenue and Freeport Street, also known as... Read more
The Mattapan Square Main Streets board of directors held a public “visioning” meeting at the Mattapan Branch Library on Tuesday night, the first such event held by the organization since it was officially designated by City Hall last fall. Tuesday’s... Read more
Boston’s development chief on Tuesday offered a bullish assessment of near-term prospects for growth in the city, ticking off projects recently completed and claiming global investors view Boston as one of four or five “hot cities” in the United States.... Read more
New Mattapan Health Center Topping-OffMattapan Community Health Center celebrated a milestone in the construction of its new facility with a topping-off ceremony this afternoon. Patients, staff, neighbors and supporters signed a steel beam that was placed... Read more
Attorney General Martha Coakley this week announced a discrimination lawsuit against Peggy O’Neil’s, a Dorchester Avenue bar, accusing the establishment of a “pattern of not allowing customers of color to enter and use the bar.” The pub’s co-owner and... Read more
Boston Police Superintendent-in-Chief Daniel Linskey: Testified during Wednesday's City Council hearing. Photo by Callum BorchersThe Menino Administration explained Wednesday the discretion implied in a proposed city ordinance that would bill negligent... Read more
Freeport Tavern general manager Andrew Wilbur tests the torches on the restaurant’s new patio area, which opened last night. Photo by Michael Caprio
The Freeport Tavern’s new fire-pit patio held its inaugural seating last night. With live music and, now,... Read more