The former St. Kevin's School on Columbia Road, now listed for sale by the Archdiocese: Photo by Pete Stidman.The former site of St. Kevin's Parish on Columbia Road is officially on the real estate market, and local civic and business groups are taking... Read more
After a School Committee review of a controversial proposal to create a five-zone busing plan for Boston Public Schools rather than the current three-zone one, the only certainty is the need for further changes.
Preliminary analysis based on each school's... Read more
Project D.E.E.P. (the Dorchester Educational Enrichment Program) recently asked its students to analyze the 2008 presidential election and then propose a list of priorities for the new president. In short, the children were asked to answer two divergent... Read more
Sebastian Louis, a junior at Codman Academy Charter Public School: Portrayed Abraham Lincoln at a President's Day ceremony held at the Massachusetts State House. Louis recited the Gettysburg Address as part of a special assembly in the House Chamber to... Read more
Students protest school cuts: By Nate LescovicPassing through a tunnel of chanting students and parents at BPS's Court Street headquarters, the School Committee met last Wednesday to receive the preliminary budget. While demonstrators stayed positive with... Read more
The Young Achiever's K-8 Pilot School is on a quest to make a summer time move from its current location in Jamaica Plain into the Solomon Lewenberg Middle School in Mattapan a smooth transition.
"We had a big kickoff breakfast for community partners last... Read more
With massive cuts looming overhead, everything is on the table in next year's Boston Public Schools budget, including the city's controversial busing plan.
Superintendent Carol Johnson presented her proposed budget to the School Committee Wednesday, just... Read more
All across America this past week, thousands of families have been visiting Catholic schools. Parents are registering their children for the next school year and reaffirming their commitment to Catholic education. Their children will be among the more... Read more
Teacher Patricia Kleiber talks to children in a K-1 class at the Pope John Paul II Academy's Lower Mills Campus: Photo by Chris Lovett.
The girls wear plaid jumpers and the boys are in identical clean white shirts. Motley rows of drawings and letters of... Read more