Two men were caught on videotape stealing computers and other items, but police say they will be difficult to identify: Photo Courtesy BPD.
With Boston Public Schools facing a more than $100 million deficit and the superintendent calling for 15 percent... Read more
Teacher Jessica Viola, director Kathleen Sullivan, and dean of students Danielle Tata trade ideas: for renovating an old Sydney Street organ factory that will become an extension of the Boston Collegiate Charter School. Photo by Pete Stidman.Fulfilling a... Read more
The Boston School Committee voted to shutter six schools and expand the pilot school program last week, bringing the superintendent's system-wide reorganization decision-making process to a close.
Though changes that eliminated the schools were affirmed... Read more
Altered plan is approved by the School Committee; some say potential savings 'not enough'
Supporters of some Boston Public Schools that may be closed received a reprieve last week as the superintendent backed down from a number of facets in her "Pathways to Excellence" plan to reorganize amidst passionate objections from parents, staff and... Read more
Students board a school bus outside the Pauline A. Shaw Elementary School, one of several that would close under a plan devised by BPS superintendent Dr. Carol Johnson this fall. Photo by Pete Stidman.
Superintendent Carol Johnson's budget-trimming plan... Read more
Shanyce Morgan, a junior at Noonan Business Academy at the Dorchester Education Complex, addresses Superintendent Johnson during a Tuesday evening meeting at Mildred Avenue Community Center. Photo by Pete Stidman
At a meeting held in Mattapan on Tuesday... Read more
Starting her second year as Boston School Superintendent, as Carol R. Johnson has to make headway on improvements while looking for ways to save money - all in the midst of a global economic crisis.
"It's always easy to add and difficult to subtract," she... Read more
Though children clamber over a shiny new playground outside the art-deco style Lucy Stone School in Dorchester, their school's days may be numbered. The Stone and the Pauline A. Shaw School in Mattapan are two of five schools marked for closure in... Read more
Some eighth grade pupils were kept after school last Friday at the Neponset Avenue campus of the new Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy, but it was not for poor behavior or to clean the erasers. The students were invited to stay late to receive a group of... Read more