STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, SEPT. 4, 2013……Citizen petitions to raise the minimum wage, zero out a new tax on computer services and expand the state’s bottle deposit law were certified by Attorney General Martha Coakley’s office to continue on toward the ballot... Read more
Dorchester’s two representatives in Congress appear unlikely to support a military intervention in Syria, as their former colleague in the Massachusetts delegation, Secretary of State John Kerry, is pressing lawmakers to act. The US says that the Syrian... Read more
The Sept. 24 prelim is 20 days away.
-- At 8 a.m., District 5 Councillor Rob Consalvo takes aim at the “corporate education reform movement” outside the Roosevelt School in Hyde Park, holding a press avail to “discuss the threats to our neighborhood... Read more
Officials at Boston City Hall haven't seen many new voter registrations in the weeks leading up to this month's preliminary municipal elections, but are bracing for a possible blitz of new voters generated by mayoral hopefuls looking for an advantage in a... Read more
The Sept. 24 preliminary is 23 days away.
-- This came in from the Marty Walsh campaign last night: “We believe we will report $383,000 for the month, which puts us in the vicinity of $1.1 million since the start,” said Joyce Linehan, a campaign adviser... Read more
In response to a News Service questionnaire, ten of the 12 candidates for mayor of Boston offered their positions on how state law could be altered to allow for more liquor licenses for the city. Currently, the Legislature selectively grants additional... Read more
Several members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation called for caution and forethought in the nation’s approach to Syria, which might include military force.
U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, and Congressmen John Tierney, Michael Capuano... Read more
What will the next mayor of Boston do with the Strand Theatre, the Uphams Corner landmark that debuted as a movie palace in the waning days of World War I? Like a Charlie Chaplin character flickering across its earliest screen, the Uphams Corner landmark... Read more
The Sept. 24 preliminary is 27 days away. In today's round-up: City Councillor Michael Ross releases his first TV ad, while fellow City Councillor Rob Consalvo highlights a blighted property in his new ad.
-- Ross’s ad features the District 8 councillor... Read more
Gov. Deval Patrick on Wednesday will be in Mattapan for a Democratic “unity” breakfast in the 12th Suffolk District. Massachusetts Democratic Party chair John Walsh is also expected to attend the event, which is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. at the Carter Post... Read more