
Arriving with less than three months remaining for formal sessions, the most junior member of the 2013-2014 class of the House of Representatives, Evandro Carvalho is set to be sworn-in May 14 at 12:30 p.m., Gov. Deval Patrick said Wednesday. Carvalho... Read more
Uphams Corner will be the site of more than $3 million in roadway improvements in the coming months. Mayor Martin Walsh spoke to reporters and community members Monday morning under the marquee of the Strand Theater on Columbia Road. “Today is a... Read more
Rep.-elect Evandro CarvalhoThe day before former state Rep. Carlos Henriquez was expected to be released from jail, voters in his former House district picked his successor, Evandro Carvalho, an attorney born in Cape Verde who won Tuesday’s special... Read more
John Walsh : standing in front of his new Lower Mills digs. Photo by Gintautas Dumcius Dorchester Democrats have a new member of their party in their midst: The former chairman of the state party. John Walsh, the man who helped Deval Patrick win the... Read more
Owner of Low-Power FM Station Vows to Fight Shut-Down from Chris Lovett on Vimeo. Chris Lovett of BNN-TV's Neighborhood Network News interviews Charles Clemons, co-founder of TOUCH 106.1FM, a Grove Hall-based low-powered radio station that was shuttered... Read more
Gov. Deval Patrick was “incredibly disappointed” by the raid conducted by U.S. Marshalls to shut down the unlicensed, underground Dorchester radio station Touch 106.1 FM, an outlet for black community voices in Boston. Patrick said his office tried to... Read more
Above, TOUCH 106.1FM operator Charles Clemons speaks about the federal raid on his unlicensed radio station. According to Clemons, US Marshals and FCC officials arrived at the station's offices today next to the Grove Hall Neighborhood Development... Read more
On the stump in Fields Corner: Charlie Baker makes a point. Photo courtesy Viet-AIDCharlie Baker is running late. He walks into the Viet-AID community room at 5:53 p.m., 38 minutes after the gubernatorial meet-and-greet was supposed to start, a victim of... Read more
Mayor Martin Walsh celebrated his forty-seventh birthday on familiar turf: At UMass Boston’s campus, he announced a $206,000 grant to university’s Venture Development Center and the completion of a research report on Boston’s growing elderly population.... Read more
The Bottle Bill is the state’s single most successful recycling and litter prevention program. Since its passage over 30 years ago, more than 35 billion containers have been redeemed and recycled, and thus prevented from entering landfills or littering... Read more


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