
Donald Trump tops the ticket among likely Republican primary voters in Massachusetts, as the Grand Old Party puts a premium on candidates' ability to create "real change" over the candidates' experience. On the Democratic side, voters are basically split... Read more
With some 116 party delegates on the line, Massachusetts voters will take the measure of Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in next Tuesday’s so-called “Super Tuesday” presidential primary. On the Republican ballot, the candidates, led by Donald... Read more
Proponents are told they need to make ‘strong case’ Top state transportation officials have informed advocates for the Blue Hill Avenue/Cummins Highway commuter rail station that the $25.2 million needed to build it have not yet been budgeted, meaning the... Read more
A Boston Globe editorial this week advised the state’s unenrolled voters to pull a Republican ballot in the March 1 primary election. Alarmed by the likelihood that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump will amass too many delegates in what is projected to be a... Read more
The MBTA expects to come in $75 million under budget by the end of fiscal 2016 in June and plans to invest the savings into capital spending and substantially reducing the projected fiscal 2017 deficit, which has been estimated at $242 million. With a... Read more
George MitchellThe sudden death of the conservative Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia has set the stage for a constitutional crisis in this still very fluid election year. Republican lawmakers – urged on by the GOP presidential contenders – have vowed... Read more
With his chosen candidate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie out of the presidential race, Gov. Charlie Baker doesn't think he will endorse again before the Massachusetts primary in less than a month. Baker, in a telephone interview Wednesday evening, said... Read more
Boston has a wealth of much-needed housing assistance programs, splintered throughout the city. The new Office of Housing Stability hopes to unite those resources and help existing residents to stave off displacement. “The city recognizes that there are... Read more
Companies that skip over or offer sub-par service to Dorchester and Mattapan have some explaining — and some soul-searching— to do. A Reporter review of the blossoming “on-demand” delivery market— mainly driven by consumers using mobile devices— revealed... Read more
A volunteer group called the Campaign for Digital Fourth Amendment Rights will push Thursday for Massachusetts to join South Carolina as one of two states to mandate police body cameras. Legislation (H 2170 / S 1257) before the Committee on Public Safety... Read more


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