
The Boston Public Library Board of Trustees over the weekend voted to offer the job of president of the Boston Public Library to Jill Bourne, city librarian for the San Jose Public Library since 2013. Bourne was deputy city librarian in San Francisco from... Read more
Road trip: City Councillors Frank Baker, left, and Tim McCarthy recently visited Philadelphia to see how their transit agency cares for an aging fleet of PCC cars. Courtesy Cllr Baker's officeWith local officials continuing to push for the preservation of... Read more
With his tourism chief due in federal court Thursday afternoon to face extortion charges, Boston Mayor Martin Walsh described 52-year-old Ken Brissette as a "good and hardworking person" and pledged continued cooperation with federal prosecutors who... Read more
In November there will likely be a referendum question on the state ballot proposing to lift the cap on charter schools. I believe that approval of this referendum will bleed our public schools dry and can only hurt the great majority of families in... Read more
President Trump announced today that his long-promised plan for a huge wall along the United States-Mexico border now appears more costly than he expected and he was having difficulty getting Mexico to pay for it. Instead, he proposed a simpler solution... Read more
It may seem like just another mixed-use development in a city skyline cluttered with cranes. But this week’s news that the MBTA has finally awarded rights to lease and build on several parcels it owns next to the Mattapan Square T station is a big deal in... Read more
The City of Boston's tourism office director was arrested Thursday morning after a federal grand jury indicted him in connection with the extortion of a music festival production company," according to federal prosecutors. Walsh: Brissette is a 'good and... Read more
Mayor Martin Walsh stopped by the library on Adams Street last Saturday morning to talk about a planned $12.6 million investment in the branch over the next several years. As laid out in the 2016-2017 capital plan, the city intends to design and construct... Read more
The Dot Block and the South Bay Town Center projects each received the approval of the Boston Redevelopment Authority Board at its monthly meeting last night. The projects account for $350 million invested in over 1.4 million square feet of Dorchester... Read more
Two major Dorchester developments, DOT Block in Glover’s Corner and the South Bay Town Center expansion, are on the agenda at the Boston Redevelopment Authority/EDIC Board monthly meeting tonight (May 12). DOT Block, which includes 362 units of mixed-... Read more


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