Last week’s news that former Mayor Thomas Menino was suspending his book tour and entering palliative care for his cancer brought somber words from a number of Irish-American politicians who know him well.
“For every Bostonian, whether they supported the... Read more
STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, OCT. 29, 2014....Defense attorney Lisa Grant does not think having spent her entire career as a criminal defense attorney will hinder her from being an impartial judge.
Grant, 47, who was nominated by Gov. Deval Patrick to become a... Read more
Republican Charlie Baker's tearful debate story Tuesday night about a fisherman from New Bedford and his two sons may go down, win or lose, as one of the more memorable moments of the 2014 campaign for governor.
But in the post-debate rehashing of Baker's... Read more
Martha CoakleyMassachusetts voters have two solid choices on Tuesday's gubernatorial ballot. Democrat Martha Coakley and Republican Charlie Baker each offer a skill set and range of experiences that would serve them — and the Commonwealth — well as our... Read more
While two recent surveys suggested more clear leads in the gubernatorial race, a MassINC/WBUR poll released Tuesday found the race basically unchanged from last week with Republican Charlie Baker holding a 1-point lead over Democrat Martha Coakley.
Baker... Read more
While four states have reportedly established quarantine protocols for people who have been in contact with Ebola patients in West Africa, Gov. Deval Patrick said Massachusetts will be following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention protocols and... Read more
Former Boston City Councillor Rob Consalvo will join the Walsh administration in a key role within the city's Department of Neighborhood Development. Consalvo, who ran for mayor last year, will be appointed Deputy Director for Homeownership Programs,... Read more
If Saturday morning’s rally with union leaders and Mayor Marty Walsh is any indication, the Martha Coakley campaign is using recent poll numbers to seize the opportunity to whip supporters into action.
Labor was out in force at the IBEW Local 103 hall on... Read more
The advertisements for casinos are so glamorous. Sexy young people gathered around a roulette wheel dressed in ravishing clothing and oozing wealth. And the picture painted by the casino industry that wants to be in our commonwealth is of a gambling... Read more
The path to the corner office runs through the Haitian community for any aspiring governor, according to Gov. Deval Patrick – and he would know. “You cannot win without the Haitian community. You shouldn't even try without the Haitian community,” he says... Read more