
Local elected officials, who have frequently sought to save Carney Hospital from being shuttered, greeted the headline in Friday’s Boston Globe – “Caritas warns of 2 hospital closures” – with caution, saying the hospital chain has frequently mentioned... Read more
Planning to campaign on weekends and after he gets out of school on weekdays, high school teacher Barry Lawton said Tuesday he plans to mount a write-in campaign for Fifth Suffolk state representative. Lawton, a member of the Democratic State Committee... Read more
STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, SEPT. 27, 2010…..A pair of prisons would close, services for homeless families would be curtailed, Medicaid benefits for low income residents would sharply cut and state troopers would lose their jobs if lawmakers fail to approve a $... Read more
John King, OFDCNN's John King, broadcasting live alongside Gov. Deval Patrick during last night's Men Cook for Women's Health gala, shows off a souvenir: an Originally from Dorchester bumper sticker. King, who grew up on King Street, told viewers of his "... Read more
Former President Bill Clinton will swing through Boston this weekend, headlining a rally and fundraiser for state treasurer candidate Steve Grossman. Mayor Thomas Menino is expected to join them at the event, which is scheduled for Sunday, 3 p.m., at... Read more
Russell Holmes: The candidate, center, prayed with supporters on election night. Emerging last week as the winner in a five-way Democratic primary for the Sixth Suffolk District House nomination, Russell Holmes is set to take the seat of retiring state... Read more
Former Haitian Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis, who is a candidate for president in the upcoming November 28th election in Haiti, is scheduled to appear at a forum on Saturday, September 25 from 5-9p.m. at the Mattapan Center for Life, 555 River... Read more
Despite governing through one of the worst recessions in Massachusetts history and taking campaign hits for allegedly exacerbating a tough business climate, Gov. Deval Patrick wins higher marks from voters when asked which candidate for governor is more... Read more
Lawton HQ on election night: A recount "not likely" While he says he is still in an “evaluation phase”, Barry Lawton tells the Reporter that he is not likely to seek a recount in the Fifth Suffolk state representative’s district. Lawton lost Tuesday’s... Read more
Rep. Byron Rushing: Speaking at a Save Our Libraries rally on City Hall plaza in June. Photo courtesy Dan Currie.State Rep. Byron Rushing will be appointed to the Boston Public Library system's board of trustees, sources tell Lit Drop. Rushing, a Roxbury... Read more


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