Smart Voter 2011: A special supplement to the Sept. 22 Dorchester Reporter details the choices in the upcoming preliminary election in District 3.
Polls are open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.
UPDATE: According to the Boston Election Department, voter turnout... Read more
STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, SEPT. 15, 2011…..Religious leaders and advocates for minority communities called on Gov. Deval Patrick Thursday to reject any redistricting maps that fail to “amplify” the voice of black, Latino and Asian residents of Massachusetts,... Read more
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, visiting Boston with Denver business leaders, told Gov. Deval Patrick on Thursday that people all over the country talk about him as “a likely presidential candidate.”
At an event at the Intercontinental Hotel on the... Read more
The Mattapan Square Main Streets board of directors held a public “visioning” meeting at the Mattapan Branch Library on Tuesday night, the first such event held by the organization since it was officially designated by City Hall last fall. Tuesday’s... Read more
This newspaper is always willing to give its readers space on our editorial pages to disagree with our opinions. In almost all cases, we offer no rebuttal to opinions contrary to ours and edit letters only to correct matters of generally accepted fact and... Read more
Traffic mess: Cars and trucks were stacked up at 2:15 on Tuesday on Dorchester Ave. southbound near Glover's Corner.City Hall is seeking ways to remedy the traffic troubles plaguing the intersection at Dorchester Avenue and Freeport Street, also known as... Read more
Boston’s development chief on Tuesday offered a bullish assessment of near-term prospects for growth in the city, ticking off projects recently completed and claiming global investors view Boston as one of four or five “hot cities” in the United States.... Read more
Two sitting Boston city councillors may be forced to move from their current homes or give up their seats due to Boston population shifts that could transform the boundaries of their current districts. That's one possibility that was raised at a... Read more
District 3 council hopefuls: The candidates before a June forum: Marydith Tuitt, John O'Toole, Craig Galvin, Doug Bennett, Marty Hogan, Frank Baker, and Stephanie Everett.
The preliminary election is just 8 days away and there are signs aplenty that the... Read more
Craig Galvin endorsed by DotOUT: The candidate speaks during Monday's meeting at The Ledge in Lower Mills. Photo by Mike DeehanDistrict 3 City Council candidate Craig Galvin has netted the high-profile endorsement of DotOUT, an influential Dorchester-... Read more