
Four years after coming up short in his quest for the top statewide office in Massachusetts, Republican Charlie Baker declared victory early Wednesday morning in his race for governor, though Democrat Martha Coakley had not yet conceded the race. The... Read more
Martha Coakley is well on her way to a big win in the neighborhoods of Dorchester and Mattapan— and will win the city of Boston handily. But will her margin of victory in the capital city give her enough fuel to outrun a surging Charlie Baker? Coakley,... Read more
The days are numbered for a longtime “hole” in the Savin Hill business district. The Columbia-Savin Hill Civic Association last night reversed course and gave its approval to a mixed-use, transit oriented development across from Savin Hill MBTA station.... Read more
Mayor Walsh votes in Savin Hill, Nov. 4, 2014: Photo by Mike Deehan (Updated 4:30p.m.) — Savin Hill's 13-10 is so far leading the Dorchester turnout race in today's state election. Citywide, 87,850 people have made it to the polls as of 3 p.m., according... Read more
The leading candidates for governor Democrat Martha Coakley and Republican Charlie Baker spent the final hours of the campaign on Monday trying to rally their supporters and drum up enthusiasm before the polls open to decide a tight contest to succeed Gov... Read more
Hundreds of mourners lined the streets of Dorchester and Mattapan to salute Mayor Thomas M. Menino and his family as his funeral procession followed a route through the neighborhoods to his Hyde Park parish church this morning. In Mattapan, the mayor's "... Read more
An Irish bar in the shadow of City Hall was transformed into a somber campaign rally of sorts early Thursday evening, signaling the end of an era in Boston politics. Inside, men and women clutching pints and wine glasses warmly embraced, some getting... Read more
Dorchester Reporter Head Reflects on Menino from Chris Lovett on Vimeo. Bill Forry, editor and publisher of the Reporter, joined Chris Lovett on BNN-TV's Neighborhood Network News on Thurs., Oct. 30 to discuss the legacy of Mayor Thomas M. Menino, who... Read more
Boston’s political community hailed former Mayor Thomas Menino as a “man of the neighborhoods,” “political giant,” and the “greatest mayor” in Boston’s history at the news of his passing on Monday. Menino died at 9 a.m. on Wednesday at the age of 71... Read more
Thomas M. Menino: He'll be remembered long after the signs come down. Thomas Menino, a self-described "lunch bucket guy" who rose from his roots in Hyde Park to dominate Boston and Massachusetts politics as the capital city's mayor for 20 years, has... Read more


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