
The Bay State Banner weighs in on City Councillor At-Large Michael Flaherty's campaign for mayor with a 1,087-word piece: Flaherty has long relied on a strong base of support in the South Boston neighborhood where he grew up, as well as in West Roxbury... Read more
Before they join the two other mayoral candidates for next week's face-off on WBZ-TV, City Councillors At-Large Michael Flaherty and Sam Yoon compete on the radio: On Thursday, they'll head over to the FNX (101.7 FM) studio to play “My Song Is Better... Read more
For the next 20 days, the conservative-leaning Pioneer Institute is teaming up with the nonpartisan Boston Municipal Research Bureau in releasing a series of papers on topics facing the city. According to a joint press release issued Monday, questions for... Read more
Yet another slow August day. Isn't there an election on? MAYOR THOMAS MENINO: 12:00 PM Lunch with Senior Citizens Barnes Housing for the Elderly, 127 Marion Street, East Boston Mayor Menino will join 50 residents of the Barnes Housing... Read more
"[Mayoral candidate Michael] Flaherty, a current city councilor, appeared at the Doyle’s forum, which was probably the first candidate forum in modern times to feature beer-sipping moderators." So notes the Jamaica Plain Gazette this week in one of two... Read more
A day after lawmakers and commuters blasted planned public transit fare increases as unfair and unaffordable, Gov. Deval Patrick suspended scheduled public hearings on the proposal – including ones in Grove Hall and at Roxbury Community College. The... Read more
This week's Boston Phoenix has a look at both the preliminary race for mayor and the crowd of newcomers running in the at-large race. David Bernstein writes about the showdown between Sam Yoon and Michael Flaherty over who gets to take on Mayor Thomas... Read more
Mayor Thomas Menino is defending the Boston Redevelopment Authority, an agency that has drawn heavy fire from the three other candidates running for mayor. At a forum in Jamaica Plain last week, Menino called the agency, which oversees development and... Read more
The endorsement of former state Sen. Bill Owens appears to have been just an appetizer. Mayoral hopeful Sam Yoon's campaign served up on Monday the endorsement of community activist Mel King, the first African-American to win Boston's preliminary election... Read more
Mayor Tom Menino works lunch programs and Federally stimulated jobs, while Kevin McCrea will be on Neighborhood Network News today. Sam Yoon courts seniors in Chinatown and commuters at Stony Brook station. MAYOR THOMAS MENINO: 1:00 PM... Read more


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