
DORCHESTER, AUG. 11, 2014…..With time winding down before the September 9 primary election, the three Democrats running for governor are beginning to launch television ads and firing some of the final volleys in the race to become the party’s nominee to... Read more
Gov. Deval Patrick plans Wednesday morning to sign omnibus legislation aimed at reducing gun violence in Massachusetts. An invitation being circulated Monday pointed to a 10 a.m. bill-signing ceremony at the Grand Staircase on the second floor of the... Read more
Warning against a new U.S. war in Iraq, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Friday stood by President Barack Obama’s decision to authorize targeted airstrikes to help defend Americans in Erbil, Iraq, and provide aid to a religious minority taking refuge in the... Read more
A bill signed by Gov. Deval Patrick on Wednesday would provide individuals fighting addiction improved access to treatment and recovery services, advocates said. The bill, which lawmakers sent to the governor’s desk in the early morning hours of Aug. 1,... Read more
Rep. Evandro CarvalhoIt has been a busy year for state Rep. Evandro Carvalho. Even though the Legislature is closed for formal business until January, he has no plans to slow down, and not just because he’s up for re-election. “I’ve been in re-election... Read more
All that remains is Gov. Deval Patrick’s signature and Boston will be the recipient of 75 new liquor licenses and a liquor licensing board whose members will be appointed by the mayor. After nearly three years of wheeling and dealing from the... Read more
With one day left for legislators to tackle major legislation before formal sessions end for the year, House and Senate negotiating committees reached deals Wednesday night on bills aimed at boosting job growth, updating gun laws, combating domestic... Read more
More than 18 months after kicking off the 2013-2014 session, Democratic legislative leaders on Beacon Hill are playing a familiar game, leaving high-stakes issues up in the air until the final moments allotted for major legislating and likely leaving... Read more
Imagine this: You’re pulling into the driveway of your home after a long drive on top of a rough day. “Home at last,” you think to yourself as you turn the key and open the front door only to hear your wife call out, “Honey, we’re eating out tonight,... Read more
Corey J. AllenCorey J. Allen, a mainstay in the Mattapan and Dorchester neighborhood for years, is challenging Rep. Daniel Cullinane in the Democratic primary on Sept. 9 and trying hard to let people know that he’s running. “A lot of people in the... Read more


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