Benjamin A. Smith II was mayor of Gloucester in 1955, the year that a right end wearing number 88 snagged the Harvard Crimson's only touchdown in a 21-7 whipping at the hands of the Elis in The Game.
A few years later, Smith, who had attended Harvard at... Read more
Will he run or won't he?
That is one of the questions floating in the backrooms of City Hall, even as the presidential race drags on and the mayoral election - in November 2009 - stands months away. Political horse race fans say the clock is ticking for... Read more
The third-floor hallway outside the Massachusetts House of Representatives is a waiting area outside a delivery room. Inside are the people doing the work, and outside are those hoping for happy news.
Expectants stand in pinstripes and pantsuits, with... Read more
Last Thursday's public planning meeting for Columbia Point brought forth a plethora of details, a smidgeon of creative vision, and a hint of old grudges slowly rising out of the old calf pasture.
The Columbia Point Master Planning Task Force will... Read more
A former Nantucket selectman is hoping to snag a seat on the Boston City Council next year. Doug Bennett, a case specialist in Suffolk County's criminal trial court, announced this week he will be running for one of the four at-large seats on the 13-... Read more
A trio of bills aimed at stopping an expected wave of thousands of foreclosures this year went before a Beacon Hill committee this week as the City Council appeared poised to okay its own legislation.
The three bills, sponsored by state Sen. Dianne... Read more
State Rep. Marty Walsh won't be the only delegate from Dorchester heading to the Democratic National Convention in Denver this August, after all. State Sen. Dianne Wilkerson and Reps. Willie Mae Allen and Linda Dorcena Forry will also be part of the group... Read more
In a tight-budget year, the eyes of many local activists looking to boost domestic violence and youth violence prevention accounts now turn to the Senate, after the House passed a $28.2 billion budget that fell short of some of their aims last week.
Anti-... Read more
Boston's city elections are a year away from getting started, but one Haitian community activist is already revving up a campaign for an at-large seat.
Jean Claude Sanon, a community organizer who has been on the radio since 1985, launched a bid this... Read more
Many were from Dorchester. But they were also from Back Bay, Roslindale, Brighton and Mattapan. Most of the 450 attendees, many of them leaders in their communities, stayed at the unprecedented civic summit through the drizzly Saturday afternoon, trading... Read more