Codman Square
Victims of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti continue to find solace and medical help at Dorchester’s Codman Square Health Center, which has created a special program to focus on the specific needs of the Haitian clients still coping with the after-effects of... Read more
A Codman Square liquor store was robbed at gunpoint on Tuesday night by a masked gunman who stole about $200 from the cash register. According to a Boston Police report, the gunman entered the Budget Liquor Depot at 861 Washington St. about 9 p.m. and... Read more
Cornelius Evans, 36, of Dorchester, admitted today he shot a mechanic to death outside Dorchester District Court to help out a friend's wife, who didn't like the engine the man sold him, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.
By pleading... Read more
District 7 City Councillor Tito Jackson would not have to move or give up his seat on the City Council, according to a draft map featuring redrawn political boundaries for the city's 9 district council seats. Jackson's colleague, Michael Ross, isn't as... Read more
Polls opened at 7 a.m. across the city, with two races on the ballot in Dorchester's District 3: Two men are vying to succeed retiring City Councillor Maureen Feeney and seven-person field is fighting for the four City Council At-Large slots.
The two top... Read more
Area C-11 community service officers Mike Keaney and Dennis Rorie are best known to the Dorchester public for their presentations at regular crime watch and association meetings. But the two officers also ride the beat on Dot’s streets when they're not on... Read more
Students Try to Put Brakes on Traffic Near School from Chris Lovett on Vimeo.
Parents and students at Codman Academy Public Charter School have embarked on a project to collect data about traffic speeds on Epping Street, a popular one-way, cut-through... Read more
Students Try to Put Brakes on Traffic Near School from Chris Lovett on Vimeo.
Parents and students at Codman Academy Public Charter School have embarked on a project to collect data about traffic speeds on Epping Street, a popular one-way, cut-through... Read more
Two sitting Boston city councillors may be forced to move from their current homes or give up their seats due to Boston population shifts that could transform the boundaries of their current districts. That's one possibility that was raised at a... Read more
Ignoring looming storm clouds, Codman Square residents and city officials came out to Wainwright Park on Saturday to celebrate the opening of Dorchester’s most environmentally sustainable home.
Located at 81 Brent Street, the new three-unit home was... Read more