Columbia Point

The University of Massachusetts announced Tuesday that it plans to open its 1,000-bed residence hall in September 2018. Through a public-private partnership model, mulled by the university for the past year, construction of the Columbia Point residence... Read more
A man was killed on Monday afternoon after he was struck by an inbound Braintree train at JFK-UMass station. An eyewitness at the scene told the Reporter that he saw an adult male jump in front of the train. MBTA Transit Police say that foul play "is not... Read more
Students, faculty and staff crowded into a University of Massachusetts ballroom Wednesday morning to decry recently-approved student fee increases, which they said are akin to "digging an ever-deeper well of student debt." "The level of student debt has... Read more
State Police report Scott Leader, 38, and Steve Leader, 30, both of 375 Old Colony Ave., were on their way home from a Thursday-night Red Sox game when they decided to attack a homeless man they found wrapped in a sleeping bag on Columbia Road next to the... Read more
Mayor Martin Walsh and his administration have an opportunity to flip their disappointment over the demise of the Boston 2024 bid into a robust, thoughtful, and efficient execution of large-scale redevelopment in Boston. But rather than focus first on... Read more
Bayside Expo Center: This obsolete sign straddles property owned by Corcoran Jennison and UMass Boston. It's removal has become part of the stalemate on the site.One major element of the now-defunct Boston 2024 proposal would have consolidated a... Read more
Add one more regulatory headache to the laundry list facing Boston 2024’s proposed Athletes Village in Columbia Point: Turns out that Kosciuszko Circle, the traffic rotary Boston 2024 wants to convert into a four-way signalized intersection, is on the... Read more
JFK: JFK-UMass station from above If Boston wins the bid to host the 2024 Summer Olympic Games – and if local elected officials can win enough political support – a $50 million upgrade would transform one of Dorchester’s key transportation hubs. JFK/... Read more
Olympic Village plans envision replacing Kosciuszko Circle with new road system Boston 2024’s Olympic Games organizers have proposed a $160 million publicly funded fix for the difficult-to-navigate and difficult-to-pronounce Kosciuszko Circle traffic... Read more
If Boston wins its bid to host the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, a $2.8 billion, privately-built Athletes Village will rise from Columbia Point, coupled with publicly-funded fixes for Kosciuszko Circle and the JFK/UMass MBTA Station. The Athletes Village... Read more


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