Russell Holmes
Rep. Russell Holmes isn’t buying Speaker Robert DeLeo’s claims that his ouster on Monday from a vice chairmanship was totally unrelated to Holmes’s critical comments about the future leadership of the House.
“If they believe that, then call me because I... Read more
Boston’s Olympic flame–or the aspiration to light it in the summer of 2024–was extinguished on Monday afternoon when the US Olympic Committee and Boston 2024 announced that they would be jointly ending Boston’s bid to host the Games.
Members of the... Read more
Russell Holmes: The candidate, center, prayed with supporters on election night.
Emerging last week as the winner in a five-way Democratic primary for the Sixth Suffolk District House nomination, Russell Holmes is set to take the seat of retiring state... Read more
Mattapan community activist Russell Holmes yesterday won a five-way Democratic primary for state representative in the Sixth Suffolk District, besting a City Hall aide and the head of the local chapter of the NAACP, among others, in the race to replace... Read more