Fifth Suffolk
To the Editor:
I am writing in response to last week’s letter to the editor from Barry Lawton about what leadership tradition Democratic Nominee Carlos Henriquez will bring to the residents of the 5th Suffolk District.
In recent years, we have seen two... Read more
To the Editor:
The Boston Globe endorsement of state representative candidate Carlos Henriquez and last minute support from former state rep Marie St. Fleur during the September primary signal the continuation of a “tradition” the people of Dorchester and... Read more
Carlos HenriquezWeeks before the Sept. 14 primary, the influential Ward 15 Democratic Committee met and declined to endorse either one of the top two candidates in the race to replace former state Rep. Marie St. Fleur.
Neither Barry Lawton nor Carlos... Read more
Two of the four Democrats vying to replace former state Rep. Marie St. Fleur tackled a slew of issues at a Tuesday night forum, including illegal immigration, casino gambling, and federal stimulus funds. Few differences emerged between high school teacher... Read more
Voters going to the polls September 14 to fill the vacant Fifth Suffolk District House seat – and given the high stakes let’s hope there’s a big turnout – will cast one of their most important ballots ever.
The levels of crime, poverty, and joblessness in... Read more
Voters going to the polls September 14 to fill the vacant Fifth Suffolk District House seat - and given the high stakes let’s hope there’s a big turnout - will cast one of their most important ballots ever.
The levels of crime, poverty, and joblessness in... Read more
It usually goes like this: An angry mob, largely clueless and fearful of government taking away their guns and religion, faces off against an elected or appointed official who attempts to explain how government actually works.
But there was somewhat of a... Read more
From the State House News Service comes a summary of the remarks former state Rep. Marie St. Fleur made Tuesday to her former colleagues on the House floor.
St. Fleur this week started a job in the Menino administration as its chief of advocacy and... Read more
Who are the candidates to watch for in the race for the Fifth Suffolk seat in the state House of Representatives? Which one is attempting to repurchase his home after foreclosure? And which candidate completely threw him under the bus on that through a... Read more