Last week’s arrest of a substance-abuse recovery home operator who has been at the center of a recent dispute in Port Norfolk is just the latest bad turn for the so-called “sober home” community in the Commonwealth— and another sign that this budding... Read more
The Harvard Street Health Center, a comprehensive health delivery organization serving the demographically diverse and underserved Boston neighborhoods of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan has expanded the operating hours of its clinic to make it easier... Read more
The U.S. House of Representatives has proclaimed July as “Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.†The resolution, sponsored by Rep. Albert Wynn (D- MD) and co-sponsored by a large bipartisan group, including NAMI... Read more
A coalition of activists who have been working to reduce alcohol and drug abuse in the neighborhood are taking direct aim at adults who buy booze for under-age drinkers this week. The Dorchester Substance Abuse Coalition (DSAC) will roll out a “sticker... Read more
Citing an outbreak in Lowell as well as clusters of cases that have popped up across the country, state and local health officials and neighborhood caregivers are bracing for the possible serious incursion of a deadly swine flu strain into the region this... Read more
Copeland Surgical Center launch: Dr. Martin Williams, Carney Hospital's chief of surgery, speaks at the official launch.Officials and staff of Dorchester’s Carney Hospital gathered last week for the official dedication of the hospital’s new Copeland... Read more