Joe Lawlor has sold thousands of cars in his six years as sales manager at Morrissey Boulevard’s Westminster Dodge. The Bickford family — which has operated the Chrysler dealership since the 1960s — has sold many times that.
This week, though, they... Read more
For the first time in close to 10 years the federal government is kicking in money for summer jobs for young people. More than $2 million is expected for Boston's program alone from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, out of $25 million set to... Read more
I have always said that partnership is one of the most effective tools that we as leaders can use to achieve progress on almost any front. In difficult circumstances, bringing people together to work toward a common goal becomes even more important. As... Read more
In his speech this week before Congress, President Obama described a pathway to emerging from our current economic woes. In his first weeks in office, the president has systematically engaged in the business of governing &endash; making proposals,... Read more
Tenant activists took to the streets Saturday in front of the Bank of America's Fields Corner branch: The group was protesting the bank's evictions of tenants in foreclosed properties. Photo by Chris Lovett.
Federally-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and... Read more
The patiently waiting Peabody Square and Dorchester Avenue improvement projects could be bumped to the front of the line with the help of President Obama's proposed nearly $1 trillion economic recovery package.
Mayor Tom Menino announced the formation of... Read more
Volunteers work to pack supplies at the Greater Boston Food Bank
Over the past couple of years Dorchester food pantries and their supporters have been reorganizing, developing new strategies, and redoubling their efforts as they try to keep up with ever-... Read more