It has become a waiting game for the Dorchester Eagles. The football and cheerleading program is waiting for the national Pop Warner board to come back with a decision that could decide the fate of the neighborhood's pigskin future.
The Eagles are also... Read more
Dorchester Youth Hockey's Mite A team defeated Hyde Park last weekend to win the District 1 Championship. This year the Mite A team won the Mayor's Cup and the District Championships in losing only 1 game all season. Congratulations to the players... Read more
Part 1 of an 8-part series on the 2006 team. The entire series.
A trio of short subjects for you to consider, quite random and unconnected.
I. Baseball and precedent
When in 1946 the baseball commissioner at the time, wily old Happy Chandler, first informed the major league owners of the Brooklyn Dodgers' plan to sign... Read more
When Dorchester Youth Hockey President Matt Sweeney watches his 400 young skaters hit the ice at the Devine Memorial Rink, he breathes a temporary sigh of relief. Despite any hard hits on the boards, his top safety concerns right now are the health... Read more
It's only February and pitchers and catchers have just reported but the Conventional Wisdom (CW) has already pronounced the baseball season ruined. It is, of course, entirely the fault of that craven, cheating, wretch Alex Rodriguez. Lynch mobs are... Read more
It used to be back in the days when the world made rather more sense that there was remorse when the baseball season ended with the lament about there being no more games until the swallows also returned presaging a wailing over the onslaught of winter.... Read more
It has been a hectic week for the Dorchester Pop Warner Eagles organization. What was supposed to be a time of fun and - potentially - glory at the Pop Warner National Championship tournament in Florida turned into a nightmare after members of Dorchester'... Read more
Karma and determination. Those are the two words that best describe the Dorchester Eagles organization. Through the years they have not only nurtured the youth of Boston to make them better football players, but also to become better students and better... Read more
Assistant coach John Evans walks the sidelines as head coach Rich Moran, behind him, yells encouragements to his team, the Dorchester Bears, in a game against Madison Park High School at White Stadium on Friday. The Bears beat the Cards, 31-14, marking... Read more